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irssi [2010/11/10 16:14] k2patelirssi [2020/08/10 02:35] (current) – external edit
Line 29: Line 29:
 /op -YES * /op -YES *
 </code> </code>
 +==== Alias ====
 +This is something really powerfull please be carefull.\\
 +you can use shell command to execute and print on channel.
 +== Fortune ==
 +<code bash>
 +/alias fortune exec - -o /usr/bin/fortune
 +== Figlet ==
 +<code bash>
 +/alias figlet exec - -o /usr/bin/figlet -f times $0-
 +=== From other pages ===
 +remove activity from all windows:
 +<code bash>
 +alias UNACT script exec foreach $$w (Irssi::windows()) { Irssi::command(“window goto $$w->{refnum}”)\;} ; window goto $winref
 +calc with (10) decimals:
 +<code bash>
 +alias CALC exec – if which bc &>/dev/null\; then echo ‘scale=10\;$*’ | bc | awk ‘{print “$*=”$$1}’\; else echo bc was not found\; fi
 +Dump perl object (e.g. /dump Irssi::active_win):
 +<code bash>
 +alias DUMP script exec use Data::Dumper\; print Data::Dumper->new([\\$0-])->Dump
 +Put output of a command in the current window (e.g. /here help blah) (does not work with whois, and other output coming from the server):
 +<code bash>
 +alias HERE script exec \$a=Irssi::active_win\;sub b{Irssi::signal_remove(‘print text’,'b’)\;Irssi::signal_stop()\;\$a->print(\$_[1],\$_[0]->{‘level’})\;Irssi::signal_add_first(‘print text’,'b’)\;}\;Irssi::signal_add_first(‘print text’,'b’)\;\$a->command(“$*”)\;
 +do /lastlog, but for all windows… /alllast -HILIGHT would show all hilights in every buffer in the current window (like, but not ‘life’)
 +<code bash>
 +alias ALLLASTLOG script exec foreach (Irssi::windows()) {Irssi::command(“lastlog – -window \$_->{‘refnum’} $*”)\;}
 +execute a command on a given server (e.g. “/tag ircnet join #irssi” would join irssi on ircnet (if you’re connected to ircnet)):
 +<code bash>
 +alias TAG script exec Irssi::server_find_tag(‘$0′)->command(‘$1-’);
 +list (say) your currently loaded scripts (just the names, on one line):
 +<code bash>
 +alias LISTSCRIPTS script exec foreach \$s (sort grep(s/::\$//, keys %Irssi::Script::)) {\$a .= “\$s “\;}\; Irssi::active_win->command(“say \$a”)\;
 +list (print) a list of servers you’re currently connected to, what nick you have there, and on which channels you are:
 +<code bash>
 +alias LISTCHANS script exec foreach (Irssi::servers()){\$a=”\$_->{‘chatnet’}(\$_->{‘address’}) \$_->{‘nick’}:”\; foreach (\$_->channels()) {\$a.=’ ‘.(\$_->{‘ownnick’}->{‘op’}?’@':\$_->{‘ownnick’}->{‘voice’}?’+':”).”\$_->{‘name’}”\;}\;print \$a\;}
 +mass-op all non-voiced (to op everyone just use /op *):
 +<code bash>
 +alias MOP script exec foreach \$n (Irssi::active_win->{‘active’}->nicks()) {if (\$n->{‘op’} == 0 && \$n->{‘voice’} == 0) {\$a .= “\$n->{‘nick’} “\;}}\; Irssi::active_win->command(“OP \$a”)\;
 +Show for how long you have been connected to the current server:
 +<code bash>
 +alias CONNECTIONUPTIME script exec \$a=`date +%s` – Irssi::active_win->{‘active_server’}->{‘connect_time’}\; Irssi::print( int(\$a/3600/24).”d “.int(\$a/3600%24).”h “. int(\$a/60%60).”m “. int(\$a%60).”s”)\;
 +Goto to x’th last window (0 = last, 1 = second last)
 +<code bash>
 +alias window_goto_last_minus script exec Irssi::command(“window goto “.(sort{\$b<=>\$a}map{\$_->{refnum}}Irssi::windows())[$0])
 +Remove all bans set by you
 +<code bash>
 +alias mubmy script exec \$c=Irssi::active_win->{‘active’}\;if(\$c){foreach \$ban (\$c->bans()){if(\$ban->{‘setby’} =~ /^$N/){\$unban.=\$ban->{‘ban’}.’ ‘\;}}}\;\$c->command(“unban \$unban”);
 +[[ | source]]
 ==== IrSSi Settings ==== ==== IrSSi Settings ====
Line 58: Line 139:
 +==== Nice Scripts ====
 +=== window_switcher ===
 +[[ | Download ]] \\
 +[[ | Source ]]
 +<code text>
 +  * Add the statusbar item:
 +      /STATUSBAR window add window_switcher
 +  * Type /ws followed by a window number or part of a window or channel name.
 +  * When the right item is at the first place in the statusbar, press enter.
 +  * For faster usage, do “/BIND ^G multi erase_line;insert_text /ws “, type ctrl-G, and start typing…
 +==== ShortCut's ====
 +<code bash>
 +Ctrl-X to switch between network connections
 +Alt-[0-9] switch to windows
 +==== Binding F Key ====
 +<code bash>
 +/bind meta2-P     key F1
 +/bind meta2-Q     key F2
 +/bind meta2-R     key F3
 +/bind meta2-S     key F4
 +/bind meta2-15~   key F5
 +/bind meta2-17~   key F6
 +/bind meta2-18~   key F7
 +/bind meta2-19~   key F8
 +/bind meta2-20~   key F9
 +/bind meta2-21~   key F10
 +/bind meta2-24~   key F12
 +/bind meta2-23~   key F11
 +/bind meta2-24~   key F12
 +/bind meta2-2P    key sF1
 +/bind meta2-2Q    key sF2
 +/bind meta2-2R    key sF3
 +/bind meta2-2S    key sF4
 +/bind meta2-15;2~ key sF5
 +/bind meta2-17;2~ key sF6
 +/bind meta2-18;2~ key sF7
 +/bind meta2-19;2~ key sF8
 +/bind meta2-20;2~ key sF9
 +/bind meta2-21;2~ key sF10
 +/bind meta2-24;2~ key sF12
 +/bind meta2-23;2~ key sF11
 +/bind meta2-24;2~ key sF12
 +When you’ve done that, you can do, for example /bind F1 change_window 1 to bind something to F1, or /bind sF1 for shift-F1.
 +[[ | Source]]
 ==== My Environment ==== ==== My Environment ====
Line 303: Line 442:
 </code> </code>
-<code bash | ~/.irssi/default.theme>+<code bash | ~/.irssi/thirdeye.theme>
-When testing changes, the easiest way to reload the theme is with /RELOAD. +####                                 #### 
-This reloads the configuration file too, so if you did any changes remember +####  ThirdEye 1.4                   #### 
-to /SAVE it firstRemember also that /SAVE overwrites the theme file with +####  by salo <salo at>  #### 
-old data so keep backups :)+####                                 ####
-# The real text formats that irssi uses are the ones you can find with 
-# /FORMAT command. Back in the old days all the colors and texts were mixed 
-# up in those formats, and it was really hard to change the colors since you 
-# might have had to change them in tens of different places. So, then came 
-# this templating system. 
-# Now the /FORMATs don't have any colors in them, and they also have very 
-# little other styling. Most of the stuff you need to change is in this 
-# theme file. If you can't change something here, you can always go back 
-# to change the /FORMATs directly, they're also saved in these .theme files. 
-# So .. the templates. They're those {blahblah} parts you see all over the 
-# /FORMATs and here. Their usage is simply {name parameter1 parameter2}. 
-# When irssi sees this kind of text, it goes to find "name" from abstracts 
-# block below and sets "parameter1" into $0 and "parameter2" into $1 (you 
-# can have more parameters of course). Templates can have subtemplates. 
-# Here's a small example: 
-#   /FORMAT format hello {colorify {underline world}} 
-#   abstracts = { colorify = "%G$0-%n"; underline = "%U$0-%U"; } 
-# When irssi expands the templates in "format", the final string would be: 
-#   hello %G%Uworld%U%n 
-# ie. underlined bright green "world" text. 
-# and why "$0-", why not "$0"? $0 would only mean the first parameter, 
-# $0- means all the parameters. With {underline hello world} you'd really 
-# want to underline both of the words, not just the hello (and world would 
-# actually be removed entirely). 
-# You can find definitions for the color format codes in docs/formats.txt. 
-# There's one difference here though. %n format. Normally it means the 
-# default color of the terminal (white mostly), but here it means the 
-# "reset color back to the one it was in higher template". For example 
-# if there was /FORMAT test %g{foo}bar, and foo = "%Y$0%n", irssi would 
-# print yellow "foo" (as set with %Y) but "bar" would be green, which was 
-# set at the beginning before the {foo} template. If there wasn't the %g 
-# at start, the normal behaviour of %n would occur. If you _really_ want 
-# to use the terminal's default color, use %N. 
-# default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color" 
-default_color = "-1"; 
-# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning 
-info_eol = "false"; 
-# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color 
-# (dark grey by default) 
-replaces = { "[]=" = "%K$*%n"; }; 
 +replaces = { "[]=" = "%K$0-%n"; };
 abstracts = { abstracts = {
-  ## +  line_start = "--"; 
-  ## generic +  timestamp = "[$0-]"; 
-  ## +  hilight = "%_$0-%_"; 
- +  error = "%G$0-%n"; 
-  # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line +  channel = "%c$0-%n"; 
-  line_start = "%B-%W!%B-%n "; +  nick = "%_$0-%_"; 
- +  nickhost = "[$0-]"; 
-  # timestamp styling, nothing by default +  server = "%_$0-%_"; 
-  timestamp = "$*"; +  comment = "[%_$0-%_]"; 
- +  reason = "{comment $0-}"; 
-  # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold +  mode = "{comment $0-}"; 
-  hilight = "%_$*%_"; +  channick_hilight = "%_$0-%_"; 
- +  chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$0-%n}"; 
-  # any kind of error message, default is bright red +  channick = "%_$0-%_"; 
-  error = "%R$*%n"; +  chanhost = "{nick}"; 
- +  channelhilight = "%c$0-%n"; 
-  # channel name is printed +  ban = "%c$0-%n"; 
-  channel = "%_$*%_"; +  msgnick = "<$1-> %|"; 
- +  ownnick = "%N$0-%n"; 
-  # nick is printed +  pubnick = "%N$0-%n"; 
-  nick = "%_$*%_"; +  menick = "%G$0-%n"; 
- +  pubmsgnick = "%c{msgnick $0 $1-%c}%N"; 
-  # nick host is printed +  pubmsgmenick = "%c{msgnick $0 $1-%c}%N"; 
-  nickhost = "[$*]"; +  pubmsghinick = "%c{msgnick $1 %G$2-%n%c}%N"; 
- +  ownmsgnick = "%G{msgnick $%N$1-%G}%N"; 
-  # server name is printed +  msgchannel = "%K:%c$0-%n"; 
-  server = "%_$*%_"; +  privmsg = "[%C$0%K(%c$1-%K)%n"; 
- +  ownprivmsg = "[%c$0%C(%n$1-%C)%n"; 
-  # some kind of comment is printed +  ownprivnick = "$0-"; 
-  comment = "[$*]"; +  ownprivmsgnick = "%C<%n$0%C>%n "; 
- +  privmsgnick = "%c<%n$0%c>%n "; 
-  # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..) +  #  ownprivmsgnick = "%G{msgnick  %N$0-%G}%n"; 
-  reason = "{comment $*}"; +  #  privmsgnick = "%c{msgnick  %G$0-%c}%N"; 
- +  action_core = "%G>>> %g$0-"; 
-  # mode change is printed ([+o nick]) +  action = "{action_core $0-} "; 
-  mode = "{comment $*}"; +  ownaction = "{action $0-}";
- +
-  ## +
-  ## channel specific messages +
-  ## +
- +
-  # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins) +
-  channick_hilight = "%C$*%n"; +
-  chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$*%n}"; +
- +
-  # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.) +
-  channick = "%c$*%n"; +
-  chanhost = "{nickhost $*}"; +
- +
-  # highlighted channel name is printed +
-  channelhilight = "%c$*%n"; +
- +
-  # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed +
-  ban = "%c$*%n"; +
- +
-  ## +
-  ## messages +
-  ## +
- +
-  # the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick +
-  msgnick = "%K<%n$0$1-%K>%n %|"; +
- +
-  # message from you is printed. "msgownnick" specifies the styling of the +
-  # nick ($0 part in msgnick) and "ownmsgnick" specifies the styling of the +
-  # whole line. +
- +
-  # Example1: You want the message text to be green: +
-  #  ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}%g"; +
-  # Example2.1: You want < and > chars to be yellow: +
-  #  ownmsgnick = "%Y{msgnick $0 $1-%Y}%n"; +
-  #  (you'll also have to remove <> from replaces list above) +
-  # Example2.2: But you still want to keep <> grey for other messages: +
-  #  pubmsgnick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n"; +
-  #  pubmsgmenick = "%K{msgnick $0 $1-%K}%n"; +
-  #  pubmsghinick = "%K{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n%K}%n"; +
-  #  ownprivmsgnick = "%K{msgnick  $*%K}%n"; +
-  #  privmsgnick = "%K{msgnick  %R$*%K}%n"; +
- +
-  # $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick +
-  ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; +
-  ownnick = "%W$*%n"; +
- +
-  # public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick +
-  pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; +
-  pubnick = "%N$*%n"; +
- +
-  # public message in channel meant for me, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick +
-  pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; +
-  menick = "%Y$*%n"; +
- +
-  # public highlighted message in channel +
-  # $0 = highlight color, $1 = nick mode, $2 = nick +
-  pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}"; +
- +
-  # channel name is printed with message +
-  msgchannel = "%K:%c$*%n"; +
- +
-  # private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host +
-  privmsg = "[%R$0%K(%r$1-%K)%n"; +
- +
-  # private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick +
-  ownprivmsg = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)%n"; +
- +
-  # own private message in query +
-  ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick  $*}"; +
-  ownprivnick = "%W$*%n"; +
- +
-  # private message in query +
-  privmsgnick = "{msgnick  %R$*%n}"; +
- +
-  ## +
-  ## Actions (/ME stuff) +
-  ## +
- +
-  # used internally by this theme +
-  action_core = "%W * $*%n"; +
- +
-  # generic one that's used by most actions +
-  action = "{action_core $*} "; +
- +
-  # own action, both private/public +
-  ownaction = "{action $*}"; +
- +
-  # own action with target, both private/public+
   ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";   ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
- +  pvtaction = "%W (*) $0-%n "; 
-  # private action sent by others +  pvtaction_query = "{action $0-}"; 
-  pvtaction = "%W (*) $*%n "; +  pubaction = "{action $0-}";
-  pvtaction_query = "{action $*}"; +
- +
-  # public action sent by others +
-  pubaction = "{action $*}"; +
- +
- +
-  ## +
-  ## other IRC events +
-  ## +
- +
-  # whois +
-  whois = "%# $[8]: $1-"; +
- +
-  # notices+
   ownnotice = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)]%n ";   ownnotice = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)]%n ";
-  notice = "%K-%M$*%K-%n "; +  notice = "%K-%M$0-%K-%n "; 
-  pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$*"; +  pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$0-"; 
-  pvtnotice_host = "%K(%m$*%K)"; +  pvtnotice_host = "%K(%m$0-%K)"; 
-  servernotice = "%g!$*%n "; +  servernotice = "%g!$0-%n ";
- +
-  # CTCPs+
   ownctcp = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)] ";   ownctcp = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)] ";
-  ctcp = "%g$*%n"; +  ctcp = "%g$0-%n"; 
- +  wallop = "%W$0-%n: "; 
-  # wallops +  wallop_nick = "%n$0-"; 
-  wallop = "%W$*%n: "; +  wallop_action = "%W * $0-%n "; 
-  wallop_nick = "%n$*"; +  netsplit = "%R$0-%n"; 
-  wallop_action = "%W * $*%n "; +  netjoin = "%G$0-%n"; 
- +  names_nick = "[%G$0%g$1-%n] "; 
-  # netsplits +  names_users = "$0-"; 
-  netsplit = "%R$*%n"; +  names_channel = "on %G$0-%n:"; 
-  netjoin = "%C$*%n"; +  dcc = "%y$0-%n"; 
- +  dccfile = "%_$0-%_"; 
-  # /names list +  dccownmsg = "[%b$0%B(%n$1-%B)] "; 
-  names_prefix = ""; +  dccownnick = "%W$0-%n"; 
-  names_nick = "[%_$0%_$1-] "; +  dccownaction = "{action $0-}";
-  names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}"; +
-  names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}"; +
-  names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}"; +
-  names_users = "[%g$*%n]"; +
-  names_channel = "%G$*%n"; +
- +
-  # DCC +
-  dcc = "%g$*%n"; +
-  dccfile = "%_$*%_"; +
- +
-  # DCC chat, own msg/action +
-  dccownmsg = "[%r$0%K($1-%K)%n] "; +
-  dccownnick = "%R$*%n"; +
-  dccownquerynick = "%W$*%n"; +
-  dccownaction = "{action $*}";+
   dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";   dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n ";
- +  dccmsg = "[%Y(%y$1-%Y)%n] "; 
-  # DCC chat, others +  dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $0-%n %|"; 
-  dccmsg = "[%G$1-%K(%g$0%K)%n] "; +  sb_background = "%4"; 
-  dccquerynick = "%G$*%n"; +  sb = "%W[%n$0-%W]%n"; 
-  dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $*%n %|"; +  sbmode = "(%c+%n$0-)";
- +
-  ## +
-  ## statusbar +
-  ## +
- +
-  # default background for all statusbars. You can also give +
-  # the default foreground color for statusbar items. +
-  sb_background = "%4%w"; +
- +
-  # default backround for "default" statusbar group +
-  #sb_default_bg = "%4"; +
-  # background for prompt / input line +
-  sb_prompt_bg = "%n"; +
-  # background for info statusbar +
-  sb_info_bg = "%8"; +
-  # background for topicbar (same default) +
-  #sb_topic_bg = "%4"; +
- +
-  # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts +
-  # space there,so we don't use anything by default. +
-  sbstart = ""; +
-  # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never +
-  # used for anything. +
-  sbend = " "; +
- +
-  topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}"; +
-  topicsbend = "{sbend $*}"; +
- +
-  prompt = "[$*] "; +
- +
-  sb = " %c[%n$*%c]%n"; +
-  sbmode = "(%c+%n$*)";+
   sbaway = " (%GzZzZ%n)";   sbaway = " (%GzZzZ%n)";
-  sbservertag = ":$0 (change with ^X)"; +  sbservertag = ":$0"; 
-  sbnickmode = "$0"; +  sbmore = "%_-- more --%_"; 
- +  sblag = "{sb Lag: $0-}"; 
-  # activity in statusbar +  sbmail = "{sb Mail: $0-}"; 
- +  sbact_act = "Act: $0-"; 
-  # ',' separator +  sbact_det = "Det: $0-"; 
-  sb_act_sep = "%c$*"; +  sbact = "{sb {sbact_act $0}{sbact_det $1}}"; 
-  # normal text +}; 
-  sb_act_text = "%c$*"; +formats = { 
-  # public message +  "fe-common/irc" = { 
-  sb_act_msg = "%W$*"; +    whois = "%W$0 %K[%c$1@$2%K]%: ircname  :%W $3%n"; 
-  # hilight +    whois_channels = " channels :%c $1%n"; 
-  sb_act_hilight = "%M$*"; +    whois_server = " server   :%c $1 %K[%W$2%K]%n"; 
-  # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $text +    whois_oper = " operator :%W $1 is IRC Operator%n"; 
-  sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n";+    whois_away = " away     :%W $1%n"; 
 +    whois_idle = " idle     :%W $1 days, $2 hours, $3 mins, $4 secs%n"; 
 +  }; 
 +  "fe-common/silc" = { 
 +    whois = "%W$0 %K[%c$1@$2%K]%: nickname    :%W $3 ($4)%n"; 
 +    whois_realname = " realname    :%W $0%n"; 
 +    whois_channels " channels    :%c $0%n"; 
 +    whois_modes " modes       :%c $0%n"; 
 +    whois_idle = " idle        :%W $0%n%"; 
 +    whois_fingerprint = " fingerprint :%c $0%n%:End of WHOIS"
 +  };
 }; };
 </code> </code>
irssi.1289405649.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:30 (external edit)