====== SSH Key adding ====== - Assuming you already have key setup for your machine. #!/bin/bash hostlist=( 'alpha.lan' 'beta.lan' 'gamma.lan' 'delta.lan' 'epsilon.lan' ) # get number of elements in the array chost=${#hostlist[@]} for (( i=0;i<$chost;i++)); do echo ${hostlist[${i}]} file=`cat /dev/urandom|od -N4 -An -i` scp ${hostlist[${i}]}:.ssh/authorized_keys /tmp/$file if cat /tmp/$file | grep "`cat mike.pub`" then echo "Key already exists" rm -rf /tmp/$file else cat mike.pub >> /tmp/$file if cat /tmp/$file | grep "`cat mike.pub`" then echo "Key Successfully Adde" scp /tmp/$file ${hostlist[${i}]}:.ssh/authorized_keys rm -rf /tmp/$file else echo "Failed to add key for host \"${hostlist[${i}]}\" Check manually.\n" echo "Local File \"/tmp/$file\" " fi fi done