====== Arch Linux ======
Recently started using arch linux, seems like really cool distro.
==== Package Manager ====
it uses "pacman" as package manager.\\
Following is some use full commands.
pacman queries the local package database with the -Q flag.
$ pacman -Q --help
and queries the sync databases with the -S flag.
$ pacman -S --help
pacman can search for packages in the database, searching both in packages' names and descriptions.
$ pacman -Ss package
To search for already installed packages.
$ pacman -Qs package
To display extensive information about a given package.
$ pacman -Si package
for locally installed packages.
$ pacman -Qi package
To retrieve a list of the files installed by a package.
$ pacman -Ql package
One can also query the database to know which package a file on the file system belongs to.
$ pacman -Qo /path/to/a/file
To list all packages no longer required as dependencies (orphans).
$ pacman -Qdt