====== Daily Admin Issue ====== * [[ sar reporting ]] * [[ Kernel Tuning ]] * [[ inotify monitor ]] * [[ Security ]] ==== Centos 6 to 7 Upgrade ==== I've followed [[https://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/CentOSUpgradeTool]] without issue.\\ But after reboot i've started seeing following error "libpcre.so.0" not found. After looking further it appeared to the issue with "grep" package. After Successful reboot simply downgrade the grep package and error will disappear. Also it is good idea to place selinux in permissive mode before you start upgrade. ==== Drupal Throw watchdog error ==== This error appear if variable name maxlength is exceeded. To fix the error create/change value as suggested. (name varchar(48)) -- -- Table structure for table 'variable' -- CREATE TABLE variable ( name varchar(48) NOT NULL default '', value longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name) ) ==== Locale Issue on Linux ==== Following error get generated on "perl -v" perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), In order to set locale you need to update following variable. LANG="en_US.UTF-8" That should do it. ==== Reset Zencart Password ==== Go to phpmyadmin - select Table "admin" from zencart database.\\ Select Edit for admin user and add following string in admin_pass field. 351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b Now you should be login as admin / admin. ==== Reset WordPress Password ==== Go to phpmyadmin - select table "wp-users" from wordpress database. \\ Select Edit for admin user and replace values with following string in user_pass field. 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 Now you should be login as admin / admin. ==== SE Linux ==== Since most linux started providing SELinux there is many issue fixed by turning it off.\\ Eventually it has been introduced for really good reason. lets try to use it. === Issue with Zend Optimizer === After Default setup - Zend optimizer does not work on apache while php-cli working fine. There is few command need to be executed in order to make it work. - Add ZendOptimizer in Shared Context user. #Enable Shared Context chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /usr/lib64/php/modules/ZendOptimizer.so #allow execstack and execmem for ZendĀ“s binaries execstack -c /usr/lib64/php/modules/ZendOptimizer.so === Reset Full Context === genhomedircon touch /.autorelabel reboot === Reset context on Specific Folder === restorecon -Rv /var/www/html === Building Module from Type Enforcement === checkmodule -M -m -o mysql.mod mysql.te semodule_package -o mysql.pp -m mysql.mod semodule -i mysql.pp === Web Application can not connect to db === This behavior can not get logged in audit.log some time.\\ which make it harder to troubleshoot. you can manually enabled network connection for db on http context.\\ -P option is to make permanent change setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on ==== Telnet IMAP Test ==== To login to imap using telnet telnet 143 01 LOGIN 02 LIST "" * 03 SELECT You can see information about mailbox : 04 STATUS () Following status code available : MESSAGES UNSEEN RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY You can use "FETCH" command to view message.\\ Read following for any further information related to telnet / IMAP.\\ - [[ http://documents.made-it.com/imapcmd.html | Telnet imap ]]\\ - [[ http://bobpeers.com/technical/telnet_imap | In depth ]] ==== Internet Proxy Using SSH ==== This is simple step to use internet from another computer / location.\\ ssh -N -f -D 8822 @ Now setup all your browser to use proxy socks5 port 8822.\\ You are all set. === Allow Other computer === In order to allow other computer on network to access your proxy use following command. This is Open Proxy please use proper firewall rule to allow access. ssh -N -f -D k2patel@vedi.k2patel.in Now setup other computer's browser to proxy socks5 host port <9933>.\\ That should do it ==== Download java using wget ==== wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u51-b16/jdk-8u51-linux-i586.rpm ==== Force chronyc/chronyd/chrony time sync ==== chronyc -a 'burst 4/4' chronyc -a makestep ==== Multiple BAR 13: no space for [io size 0x1000] ==== :!: Multiple BAR 13: no space for [io size 0x1000] messages seen on RHEL guest on VMWare ESX vCenter 6.0 host at boot. best bet is to contact vmware, but temporary fix should be as follow try booting with pci=nocrs kernel command line option. This parameter is used to discard ACPI resource information for various devices.