====== Furnished Bckup ====== #!/bin/bash ######################################################################### # Backup Database # You can call this script from cron. # if you have any issue write back to me # k2patel@live.com !!! ;) it is microsoft ? yeah dont junk me junk them ######################################################################### mysqldump=$(which mysqldump) mysql=$(which mysql) gzip=$(which gzip) chown=$(which chown) DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) # Which user suppose to own this file # If no value specified it is own by the owner of cron. # you need to apply here e.g OWN_FILE="xyz" OWN_FILE="" # Please update to suitable backup folder. # e.g. BACKUP_DIR="/home/xyz/sqlbackup" BACKUP_DIR="" # Add your mysql common password for all database # For safety create read only user for all database # Ignore using root password. e.g. DB_PASS="sds%87(" DB_PASS="" # Add your databse Username following variable # e.g. DB_USR="xyzdb" DB_USR="" # Specify your DB Host DB_HOST="" # Ignore following databse from backup IGNORE="test" # Get list of all databases DB_LIST=`$mysql -h $DB_HOST -Bse -u $DB_USR -p$DB_PASS 'show databases'` for db in $DB_LIST; do # set skip variable skip=0 if [ "$IGNORE" != "" ]; then for i in $IGNORE; do [ "$db" == "$i" ] && skip=1 || : done fi if [ "$skip" == "0" ]; then $mysqldump -R -h $DB_HOST -u $DB_USR -p$DB_PASS $db | $gzip -9 > $BACKUP_DIR/$db.$DATE.sql.gz if [ "$OWN_FILE" != ""]; then $chown $OWN_FILE $BACKUP_DIR/$db.$DATE.sql.gz fi fi done exit 0