====== IpFw ====== Simple but nice firewall. [[http://www.freebsd-howto.com/HOWTO/Ipfw-HOWTO | Good Reading]] ==== How to create forward for port ==== Rule below forward request to 5111 to port 232 ipfw add fwd localhost,5111 tcp from any to any 232 via en0 ==== Diverting port using snort ==== Rule below will divert the traffic from one port to another.\ ipfw add 0010 divert 8080 tcp from any to any 80 NOTE : sysctl net.link.ether.bridge_ipfw=1 (this value enable the snort) ==== Common Attack Prevention ==== **# XMAS tree** ipfw add 00011 deny log tcp from any to any in tcpflags fin,psh,urg recv em0 **# NULL scan (no flag set at all)** ipfw add 00012 deny log tcp from any to any in tcpflags !fin,!syn,!rst,!psh,!ack,!urg recv em0 **# SYN flood (SYN,FIN)** ipfw add 00013 deny log tcp from any to any in tcpflags syn,fin recv em0 **# Stealth FIN scan (FIN,RST)** ipfw add 00014 deny log tcp from any to any in tcpflags fin,rst recv em0 **# forced packet routing** ipfw add 00015 deny log ip from any to any in ipoptions ssrr,lsrr,rr,ts recv em0 **# ACK scan (ACK,RST)** ipfw add 00016 deny log tcp from any to any in tcpflags ack,rst recv em0 **#deny fragments as bogus packets** ipfw add 00017 deny log all from any to any frag in via em0