====== James ====== It's really nice standalone mail server.\\ Written in JAVA, can be scaled to high numbers of nodes.\\ [[http://wiki.apache.org/james/ | I have used mysql based setup ]] database.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver database.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/james database.username=james database.password=james vendorAdapter.database=MYSQL openjpa.streaming=false Now download mysql jdbc driver from [[http://dev.mysql.com/usingmysql/java/ | dev.mysql.com]]\\ Place file in $JAMES_HOME/lib/ now define it in environment CLASSPATH_PREFIX=../conf/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.15-bin.jar export CLASSPATH_PREFIX Controller port is defined in -$JAMES_HOME/conf/jmx.properties.\\ you can use jconsole to connect to your controller.\\ which allow you to manage services using GUI. Also make usre you have define JAVA_HOME in you bash env. now start your server using $JAMES_HOME/bin/james start