====== NConf Deployer ====== nconf nice nagios configurator works awesome but i had issue with the addon script.\\ So i have modified to work in my environment it's not special but it working since i deployed without any issue.\\ I also added to keep Backup of previous working nagios configuration.\\ Please make sure all directory writable to script owner.\\ i run this script in cron every Minute.\\ It only execute if there is change so should be good. #!/bin/bash ## Original Script taken from source of Nconf. ## Updated by k2patel@hotmail.com OUTPUT_DIR="nagconf.com/output/" ## This is where it stores the output NAGIOS_DIR="/etc/nagios/" ## Location for Nagios TEMP_DIR=${NAGIOS_DIR}"import/" ## this is where it move files from output CONF_ARCHIVE="NagiosConfig.tgz" ## Archive Name BK_UP_DIR=${NAGIOS_DIR}"0ld_backup/" ## Backup which keep previous working configuration just incase if [ ! -e ${TEMP_DIR} ] ; then mkdir -p ${TEMP_DIR} fi if [ ! -e ${BK_UP_DIR} ] ; then mkdir -p ${BK_UP_DIR} fi if [ ${OUTPUT_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} -nt ${TEMP_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} ] ; then cp -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} ${TEMP_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} rm -rf ${BK_UP_DIR}/Default_collector ${BK_UP_DIR}/global ${BK_UP_DIR}/static_cfg mv -f ${NAGIOS_DIR}/Default_collector ${BK_UP_DIR}/ mv -f ${NAGIOS_DIR}/global ${BK_UP_DIR}/ mv -f ${NAGIOS_DIR}/static_cfg ${BK_UP_DIR}/ tar -xf ${TEMP_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} -C ${NAGIOS_DIR} /etc/init.d/nagios reload rm -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}${CONF_ARCHIVE} fi exit