====== Quick Command Set Daily Life ======
==== grab configure script from php installatio ====
php -i | grep configure | tr -d \'
==== find the disk usage for all the listed files/foldere ====
du -sckh * | sort -n
==== find uniq ip from file ====
cat /etc/sitemap | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n 1 ping -c 1 -t 1 | grep PING | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq
==== do something based on file list ====
while read k2;do $k2;done < file
==== add text to end of each line ====
sed -i "s/$//" file
==== add text to start of each line ====
sed -i "s/^//" file
==== set terminal to color ====
TERM=xterm-color; export TERM
==== Break huge line based on character number ====
(specifically used for SSL)
sed 's/\(.\{64\}\)/\1\n/g' file
==== Search file and replace string ====
find ./ -name ".htaccess"|xargs perl -pi -e 's/original/newstring/g'
find . -type f -print0|xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/mysql_connect \(\"pqr.k2patel.com/mysql_connect \(\"xyz.k2patel.com/g'
for file in *; do [[ $file = remove ]] && continue; fgrep -vf remove "$file" > k2.tmp ; mv k2.tmp "$file"; done
==== Load LVM Disk ====
vgscan --mknodes //load the nodes in /etc
vgchange -ay //activate the nodes
lvscan //scan and check the status
mkdir /mnt/somename //directory to mount
mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt/somename //mount on directory
==== general variable goes to .htaccess ====
php_admin_flag safe_mode Off //put this in the httpd.conf if nothing works
php_flag safe_mode Off
php_value safe_mode "0"
php_flag register_globals off
php_flag display_errors off
DirectoryIndex index.php index.shtml
ErrorDocument 404 /
ErrorDocument 403 /
ErrorDocument 500 /
ErrorDocument 302 /
ErrorDocument 403 http://www.k2patel.com
Redirect 301 / http://k2patel.com/show.php?m=1895&st=1&sid=65
php_flag log_errors on
php_flag safe_mode Off
php_flag register_globals on
php_value session.save_path /srv/www/apache/tmp
==== SSL redirect for https ====
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
==== Redirect all except one ====
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^the/pathto/the/directory
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newsite.com/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule !^the/pathto/the/directory - [C]
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newsite.com/$1 [R=301,L]
==== lock file for no edit ====
chflags noschg -- unlock
chflags schg -- lock
==== remove ^M from file ====
VI : %s/^M//g
(To get the ^M hold the control key, press V then M (Both while holding the control key) and the ^M will appear.)
sed 's/'"$(printf '\015')"'$//
tr -d '\r' new.file
==== change file permission if it is not own by specific user ====
find . ! -user tiffany | xargs chown tiffany:tiffany
==== remove folder name `5 "` with find ====
find . -type d -name '5 "' -exec rm -Rv "{}" \;
==== add / remove IP alias ====
ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask alias -- add
ifconfig fxp0 inet netmask -alias -- remove
==== manipulate one file based on source and pattern ====
while read -r k2 ; do sed -e 's!\$k2!'"$k2"'!g' < site.cnf ; done < sitelist.cnf > site.all.cnf
==== Line by Line two file merge ====
# -d used as delimiter in example it is space " ".
paste -d " " file1 file2 >"outputfile1"
==== find and command combination ====
for i in `find . -type f` ; do mv $i /home/yahoo/Photos/ ;done
==== how to download recursively folder / file using FTP ====
wget -r --no-clobber --continue --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD ftp://hostname
ncftget -R ftp://ftp.mydomain.com source dest
==== one line loop in linux ====
for i in `jot 251 4`; do echo xx.yy.pp.$i; done
for ((i=4; i<=254; i++)); do echo "xx.yy.pp.$i"; done
for i in {4..254}; do echo "xx.yy.pp.$i"; done
==== Move file if it contain following text ====
find . -type f -exec grep -q '*POSSIBLE SPAM*' {} \; -exec echo mv {} /home \;
grep -rl 'POSSIBLE SPAM' |while read f; do mv "${f##*/}" "${DEST}"; done
find . -type f -exec grep -Fq '*POSSIBLE SPAM*' -exec mv {} /home/ + #maybe, or \;
==== How to set date on linux/unix System ====
date yymmddhhss
==== netstat with name of process only work on linux ====
netstat -tlpn
==== Get IP of the domains in the list ====
sed -e 's#.*#nslookup & |awk '"'"'/^Name/{n=$2}/^Address/{a=$2}($2=="canonical"){c=sprintf("%s%s",c,$1)}END{print "& "n" "c" "a}'"'"'#' hostlist.txt|sh
==== How to connect to serial connection ====
cu -l /dev/cuaa0
ttyd0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" vt100 on secure
ttyd0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup off secure
==== How to find Scripts on pages ====
find /srv/www/html -name '*.php' -o -name '*.htm*' -print0| xargs -0 grep -i '