One Liner
s=`date +%s`; /usr/local/bin/php index.php ; e=`date +%s`; if [ $(( $e - $s )) -gt 10 ]; then /usr/bin/mail -s "[Notice] `hostname` Time is More then 10 second" ; fi
#!/bin/bash # Monitor execution of process export receipients="" output=".BxJ04o1k2lcTURK" notify(){ for n in $receipients; do echo $1 | /usr/bin/mail -s "[Notice] `hostname` Time is More then 10 second" $n done } cd /usr/www/virtual/sf/ /usr/bin/time -h -p -o $output /usr/local/bin/php index.php >/dev/null 2>&1 count=0 for i in `cat $output | awk '{print $2}'` do case=`echo "$i > 10.0" | bc` if [ $case -eq '1' ] then count=1; fi done if [[ count -eq '1' ]] then notify "index.php is taking more then 10 second to execute" fi rm $output