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Cleanup crazy temp files

#!/bin/env perl
# name: clean-magick-tmp
# date: 20110515
# author: jason thomas <>
# purpose: check tmp dir for pesky image magick tmp files that are larger then 3gb
use strict;
my $maxsize = '3000000000';
my $tmpdir = '/tmp';
opendir (TMPDIR, $tmpdir); 
my @tmpfiles = readdir(TMPDIR);
close (TMPDIR);
	foreach (@tmpfiles){
		my $pathtotmp = "$tmpdir/$_";
		if ($pathtotmp =~ m/^\/tmp\/magick-\w+/g){
		if (-s $pathtotmp >= $maxsize){
			open (FH, "<$pathtotmp");
				if(tell(FH) != -1){
					print "$pathtotmp is big \n";
					unlink $pathtotmp;
cleanup_crazy_temp_files.1305818783.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:28 (external edit)