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Mysql Upgrade Issue

Easy Command List

How to check Type of Table

You can use any of the following command to determine table type.

SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = 'table_name';
SHOW CREATE TABLE 'table_name';

MySQL Cluster information gathering

How to find which master log slave reading

cat slaves | while read i ; do echo $i; mysql -h$i -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G" | grep "Relay_Master_Log_File"; done

Issue / Solutions

 appeared after upgrade

This issue is appeared due to the default character set.
As Both version of database diff. character set. To get rid of that character try to following steps.

  1. insert following line to your my.cnf
  2. re-import database should fix the issue.
mysqldump does not save stored procedure / functions / triggers.

By default mysqldump only store triggers not procedures/functions.

In order to include to your mysqldump there is switch
-R, –routines Dump stored routines (functions and procedures).

In order to include triggers to your mysqldump there is switch
–triggers Dump triggers for each dumped table

mysqldump -R -u <username> -p<password> <database>
After upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1 see issue on charset

Use following line in your my.cnf will resolve the issue. as latin1 is default character set in 4.0 and 4.1 has utf8

| my.cnf
daily_issues.1282788336.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:29 (external edit)