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FTP file fetch using perl

# this script is written by ketan patel
use Net::FTP;
$file = "name of file";
@paths = ('comma_separated path file');
$remotehost = "<remote_hostname>";
$user = "<ftp_username>";
$pass = "<ftp_password>";
chdir "/srv/www/htdocs/passwd";
print "Connecting...\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new("$remotehost", Debug => 0) or
      die "cannot connect:";
print "Logging in...\n";
      or die "cannot login: ",$ftp->message;
print "Beginning Transfer...\n";
foreach $paths (@paths)
 print "$paths/$file..\n";
 $ftp -> cwd($paths);
 print "xfering $file..\n";
print "Done.\n";
ftp_file_fetch_using_perl.1249784118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:30 (external edit)