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how_to [2011/12/14 20:16]
k2patel [Enable port below 1024 for all users]
how_to [2020/08/10 02:35]
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-====== How to ..... ====== 
-==== .gvfs ==== 
-How to get rid of .gvfs and what it is. 
-What it is 
-GVFS is a replacement for GnomeVFS, the GNOME Virtual File System 
-{User_home}/​.gvfs is used as a mount point for the Gnome gvfs for user. 
-It stays mounted even when user is logged off.You need to umount ​ it prior to delete it. 
-Use following command to unmount 
-<code bash> 
-umount -fl /​home/​xyz/​.gvfs 
-==== How to drop all table from database (mysql) ==== 
-To drop all the table in the mysql database - use the following command. 
-<code mysql> 
-mysqldump -u[USERNAME] -p[PASSWORD] --add-drop-table --no-data [DATABASE] | grep ^DROP | mysql -u[USERNAME] -p[PASSWORD] [DATABASE] 
-==== How to list pear using php ==== 
-First install PEAR_Info 
-<code bash> 
-pear install PEAR_Info 
-Than create file pearinfo.php with following content. 
-<code php> 
-require_once '​PEAR/​Info.php';​ 
-$info = new PEAR_Info();​ 
-Now browse the file in your favorite browser. 
-==== How to list Installed CPAN Modules ==== 
-<code perl> 
-use ExtUtils::​Installed;​ 
-my $instmod = ExtUtils::​Installed->​new();​ 
-foreach my $module ($instmod->​modules()) { 
-my $version = $instmod->​version($module) || "???";​ 
-       print "​$module -- $version\n";​ 
-==== Watch output of command with refresh ==== 
-This can me usefull to monitor command with no refresh. like vmstat, iostat 
-<code bash> 
-watch -n 3 vmstat -D 
-==== Setting up Multiple ip using single file ==== 
-You can add IP range to server using following way. 
-Range file :\\ 
-replace "​eth0"​ with your nic name in file name.\\ 
-CLONENUM_START - change based on range you add to NIC.\\ 
-in respect of below configuration next CLONENUM_START for eth0 is "​6"​\\ 
-<code bash | /​etc/​sysconfig/​network-scripts/​ifcfg-eth0-range0>​ 
-==== Setting up Multiple Block of IP to single NIC/server ==== 
-In normal case if you add diff. block of IP only one block will work.\\ 
-As gateway for all block might be different.\\ 
-In that case you need to add following line to config.\\ 
-<code bash | /​etc/​sysconfig/​network > 
-NOTE : replace eth0 based on your NIC name 
-==== Getting Old Version of PHP package from cvs ==== 
-From : [[http://​]] 
-Setting up cvs client. (Recommended) 
-<code bash | ~/​.cvsrc>​ 
-cvs -z3 
-update -d -P 
-checkout -P 
-diff -u 
-Login to cvs server using anonymous login\\ 
-**password : phpfi** 
-<code bash> 
-cvs -d :​pserver:​​repository login 
-Download source from cvs.\\ 
-Make sure you replace php_5_2_5 with your version need (e.g. php_4_0_3) 
-<code bash> 
-cvs -d :​pserver:​​repository checkout -r php_5_2_5 php-src 
-Now you have clean version of sources on your machine.\\ 
-In order to generate configure script you need to run following. 
-<code bash> 
-To build package use following.\\ 
-Replace versions with your checkout snap.\\ 
-**makedist <​package>​ <​version>​** 
-<code bash> 
-sh makedist php 5.2.5 
-You just make your own distribution package.// 
-==== How to test UDP Connection ==== 
-This is needed in many cases. Many services still use UDP port for Authentication / Certification for software.\\ 
-You can test connection using nmap. 
-<code bash> 
-# nmap -p [port] -sU -P0 [host name | ip address] 
-# nmap -p 234 -sU -P0 xx.xx.xx.xx 
-# nmap -p 543 -sU -P0 xx.xx.xx.xx 
-Also you can use netcat 
-<code bash> 
-nc -zu <ip> <​udpport>​ 
-==== ip_conntrack:​ table full, dropping packet ==== 
-I found myself with a server under normal load.\\ 
-but, it no network connections initiated. and log is full of entry as below 
-<code bash> 
-ip_conntrack:​ table full, dropping packet 
-After searching on google found [[http://​​faq/​FAQ_45_11238.shtm | Redhat]] site for more details. \\ 
-It seems server was running iptables, but it was under a very heavy load and also handling a high volume of network connections.\\ ​ 
-Generally, the ip_conntrack_max is set to the total MB of RAM installed multiplied by 16.\\ 
-However, this server had 2GB of RAM, but ip_conntrack_max was set to 65536: 
-<code bash> 
-# cat /​proc/​sys/​net/​ipv4/​ip_conntrack_max 
-I have checked with few other server and all had ip_conntrack_max set to 65536.\\ 
-I’m not sure seems default value to me. 
-Now i have found my value using following: 
-<code bash> 
-# cat /​proc/​sys/​net/​ipv4/​netfilter/​ip_conntrack_count 
-and i have adjusted using following. about 8GB ram. 
-<code bash> 
-# echo 131072 > /​proc/​sys/​net/​ipv4/​ip_conntrack_max 
-But, above change is temporary to set value at boot do following. 
-<code bash | /​etc/​sysctl.conf>​ 
-This should be it. 
-==== Crontab with own php.ini and send result to mail ==== 
-If you need to run cron with your own php.ini and send result to mail use following. 
-<code bash> 
-*/1 */2 * * * /​usr/​local/​bin/​php --php-ini /​srv/​www/​conf/​php.ini /​srv/​www/​public_html/​cron.php | /​usr/​bin/​mail -s "​Output of crontab"​ 
-==== Exit Codes ==== 
-At some point you feel like there is no exit code documentation and you want find you what should it return.\\ 
-There is simple practical way to find exit code in linux.\\ 
-<code bash> 
-echo $? 
-which determine what exit code was returned by a command. must be post run this after command.\\ 
-following is simple example.\\ 
-<code bash> 
-ls bcd 
-ls: bcd: No such file or directory 
-echo $? 
-Which as ls return "​2"​ serious trouble. file not found.\\ 
-If 0 All OK.\\ 
-You can post run with any command and find out what is the return code. This will help you as quick fix.\\ 
-In logical programming you must have all the exit codes for best result. 
-==== How to use serial console ==== 
-Here is the simple how to on using serial console. 
-First find out how many serial device is connected. 
-<code bash> 
-dmesg | grep tty 
-Which should return following results. 
-<code text> 
-serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A 
-serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A 
-00:0a: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A 
-00:0b: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A 
-On my machine it find only two ports.\\ 
-so i am using "​[01]"​ for those two ports. if you have more add number like "​[012..]"​.\\ 
-Now Initialize those ports.\\ 
-<code bash> 
-setserial -g /​dev/​ttyS[01] 
-You are all set.\\ 
-Now connect to serial port using minicom.\\ 
-<code bash> 
-minicom -o 
-This works for me. 
-==== How to grab External IP ==== 
-I needed clean and most frequent access to find outgoing IP of servers.\\ 
-So based on Environment variable i have developed small script. [[cgi_script_to_print_visitor_ip|script to grab visitor IP]] \\ 
-which print your external IP.\\ 
-<code bash> 
-NOTE :  
-  * I do not track or log any request coming to above domain. 
-  * But in case of any excessive amount of request i might enable logging to block such activity. 
-==== Truncate on Linux ==== 
-Not sure what make truncate command to disappear from linux.\\ 
-But it is/was really usefull tool. following is alternative way to reduce file size.\\ 
-Command below will reduce size to 100MB, and it takes argument in bytes. replace according to your need. (replace bs=""​) 
-<code bash> 
-dd if=/​dev/​null of=msyql_slow.txt seek=1 bs=104857600 
-==== Removing Patch ==== 
-To remove applied patch use following command. 
-<code bash> 
-patch -R 
-==== Preserve Custom nameserver ==== 
-To preserve custom nameserver while using DHCP you need to modify config file.\\ 
-add or update following line. 
-<code bash | /​etc/​dhcp/​dhclient.conf>​ 
-prepend domain-name-servers,​;​ 
-==== Enable port below 1024 for all users ==== 
-NOTE : Please be aware it is not / never advisable. 
-Now if you want java to use port below 1024 you can use following command. 
-<code bash> 
-setcap '​cap_net_bind_service=+ep'​ /​usr/​bin/​java 
-NOTE : It is only available on RHEL6/​CentOS6 and up  
-==== Building Software RAID ==== 
-One of nice feature about software RAID is you can get good performance using it.\\ 
-Here is the simple steps to follow to create software raid level 10. 
-**Step 1** : Create Partition Assign //type - fd// 
-<code bash> 
-fdisk /dev/sdf 
-fdisk /dev/sdg 
-fdisk /dev/sdh 
-fdisk /dev/sdi 
-**Step 2** : Create Raid Drive. ( this command will create "/​dev/​md10"​ ) 
-<code bash> 
-mdadm --create --level=10 --raid-devices=4 --spare-devices=0 --chunk=128 --layout=f2 /dev/md10 /dev/sdf1 /dev/sdg1 /dev/sdh1 /dev/sdi1 
-**Step 3**: Format Drive ( I am formatting for XFS )  
-<code bash> 
-mkfs.xfs /dev/md10 
-Mount /dev/md10 - Enjoy.!! 
how_to.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:35 (external edit)