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irssi [2011/08/19 14:49]
irssi [2020/08/10 02:35] (current)
Line 44: Line 44:
 /alias figlet exec - -o /​usr/​bin/​figlet -f times $0- /alias figlet exec - -o /​usr/​bin/​figlet -f times $0-
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +=== From other pages ===
 +remove activity from all windows:
 +<code bash>
 +alias UNACT script exec foreach $$w (Irssi::​windows()) { Irssi::​command(“window goto $$w->​{refnum}”)\;​} ; window goto $winref
 +calc with (10) decimals:
 +<code bash>
 +alias CALC exec – if which bc &>/​dev/​null\;​ then echo ‘scale=10\;​$*’ | bc | awk ‘{print “$*=”$$1}’\;​ else echo bc was not found\; fi
 +Dump perl object (e.g. /dump Irssi::​active_win):​
 +<code bash>
 +alias DUMP script exec use Data::​Dumper\;​ print Data::​Dumper->​new([\\$0-])->​Dump
 +Put output of a command in the current window (e.g. /here help blah) (does not work with whois, and other output coming from the server):
 +<code bash>
 +alias HERE script exec \$a=Irssi::​active_win\;​sub b{Irssi::​signal_remove(‘print text’,'​b’)\;​Irssi::​signal_stop()\;​\$a->​print(\$_[1],​\$_[0]->​{‘level’})\;​Irssi::​signal_add_first(‘print text’,'​b’)\;​}\;​Irssi::​signal_add_first(‘print text’,'​b’)\;​\$a->​command(“$*”)\;​
 +do /lastlog, but for all windows… /alllast -HILIGHT would show all hilights in every buffer in the current window (like,​ but not ‘life’)
 +<code bash>
 +alias ALLLASTLOG script exec foreach (Irssi::​windows()) {Irssi::​command(“lastlog – -window \$_->​{‘refnum’} $*”)\;}
 +execute a command on a given server (e.g. “/tag ircnet join #irssi” would join irssi on ircnet (if you’re connected to ircnet)):
 +<code bash>
 +alias TAG script exec Irssi::​server_find_tag(‘$0′)->​command(‘$1-’);​
 +list (say) your currently loaded scripts (just the names, on one line):
 +<code bash>
 +alias LISTSCRIPTS script exec foreach \$s (sort grep(s/::​\$//,​ keys %Irssi::​Script::​)) {\$a .= “\$s “\;}\; Irssi::​active_win->​command(“say \$a”)\;
 +list (print) a list of servers you’re currently connected to, what nick you have there, and on which channels you are:
 +<code bash>
 +alias LISTCHANS script exec foreach (Irssi::​servers()){\$a=”\$_->​{‘chatnet’}(\$_->​{‘address’}) \$_->​{‘nick’}:​”\;​ foreach (\$_->​channels()) {\$a.=’ ‘.(\$_->​{‘ownnick’}->​{‘op’}?​’@':​\$_->​{‘ownnick’}->​{‘voice’}?​’+':​”).”\$_->​{‘name’}”\;​}\;​print \$a\;}
 +mass-op all non-voiced (to op everyone just use /op *):
 +<code bash>
 +alias MOP script exec foreach \$n (Irssi::​active_win->​{‘active’}->​nicks()) {if (\$n->​{‘op’} == 0 && \$n->​{‘voice’} == 0) {\$a .= “\$n->​{‘nick’} “\;}}\; Irssi::​active_win->​command(“OP \$a”)\;
 +Show for how long you have been connected to the current server:
 +<code bash>
 +alias CONNECTIONUPTIME script exec \$a=`date +%s` – Irssi::​active_win->​{‘active_server’}->​{‘connect_time’}\;​ Irssi::​print( int(\$a/​3600/​24).”d “.int(\$a/​3600%24).”h “. int(\$a/​60%60).”m “. int(\$a%60).”s”)\;​
 +Goto to x’th last window (0 = last, 1 = second last)
 +<code bash>
 +alias window_goto_last_minus script exec Irssi::​command(“window goto “.(sort{\$b<​=>​\$a}map{\$_->​{refnum}}Irssi::​windows())[$0])
 +Remove all bans set by you
 +<code bash>
 +alias mubmy script exec \$c=Irssi::​active_win->​{‘active’}\;​if(\$c){foreach \$ban (\$c->​bans()){if(\$ban->​{‘setby’} =~ /​^$N/​){\$unban.=\$ban->​{‘ban’}.’ ‘\;​}}}\;​\$c->​command(“unban \$unban”);​
 +[[http://​​irssi/​aliases | source]]
 ==== IrSSi Settings ==== ==== IrSSi Settings ====
Line 88: Line 154:
   * For faster usage, do “/BIND ^G multi erase_line;​insert_text /ws “, type ctrl-G, and start typing…   * For faster usage, do “/BIND ^G multi erase_line;​insert_text /ws “, type ctrl-G, and start typing…
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== ShortCut'​s ====
 +<code bash>
 +Ctrl-X to switch between network connections
 +Alt-[0-9] switch to windows
 +==== Binding F Key ====
 +<code bash>
 +/bind meta2-P ​    key F1
 +/bind meta2-Q ​    key F2
 +/bind meta2-R ​    key F3
 +/bind meta2-S ​    key F4
 +/bind meta2-15~ ​  key F5
 +/bind meta2-17~ ​  key F6
 +/bind meta2-18~ ​  key F7
 +/bind meta2-19~ ​  key F8
 +/bind meta2-20~ ​  key F9
 +/bind meta2-21~ ​  key F10
 +/bind meta2-24~ ​  key F12
 +/bind meta2-23~ ​  key F11
 +/bind meta2-24~ ​  key F12
 +/bind meta2-2P ​   key sF1
 +/bind meta2-2Q ​   key sF2
 +/bind meta2-2R ​   key sF3
 +/bind meta2-2S ​   key sF4
 +/bind meta2-15;2~ key sF5
 +/bind meta2-17;2~ key sF6
 +/bind meta2-18;2~ key sF7
 +/bind meta2-19;2~ key sF8
 +/bind meta2-20;2~ key sF9
 +/bind meta2-21;2~ key sF10
 +/bind meta2-24;2~ key sF12
 +/bind meta2-23;2~ key sF11
 +/bind meta2-24;2~ key sF12
 +When you’ve done that, you can do, for example /bind F1 change_window 1 to bind something to F1, or /bind sF1 for shift-F1.
 +[[http://​​irssi/​keybindings | Source]]
 ==== My Environment ==== ==== My Environment ====
irssi.1313765342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:30 (external edit)