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letsencrypt [2018/09/25 14:38]
k2patel [Nginx configuration]
letsencrypt [2020/08/10 02:35]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Letsencrypt | Certbot ====== 
-Now they renamed it from Letsencrypt to Certbot.\\ 
-Working on script to reflect the change but i have to make sure it does not change | Break all required dependencies.\\ 
-Great thing happen securing internet servers, And it's Free.\\ 
-But there is catch, You have to renew your certificated Often.\\ 
-Since they provided tool to do so, i don't think there is problem at all.\\ 
-First install command line API tool. 
-[[https://​​letsencrypt/​letsencrypt|letsencrypt source]] 
-There is many way you can get new certificate or renew certificate.\\ 
-But i like following way, which can be scripted easily. 
-<code bash Get New Certificate>​ 
-./​letsencrypt-auto --email <​email>​ --agree-tos certonly -d <​fqdn>​ -c <​Location_for_config>​ 
-==== configuration for certificate request / location ==== 
-//It is good idea to create config file for each certificate because we can use it for renewal// 
-<code ini sample_config>​ 
-# Domain which you are trying to get certificate for; 
-# multiple domain like aliases can be saperated by comma 
-# e.g. domains =,​ 
-domains = 
-# Define rsa keysize 
-rsa-key-size = 4096 
-# Define the api server 
-server = https://​​directory 
-# email address for your certificate 
-email = 
-# we can disable the UI and turn on the text mode 
-text = True 
-# authenticate by placing file in webroot located under .well-known/​acme-challenge/​ 
-authenticator = webroot 
-webroot-path = /​var/​www/​letsencrypt/​ 
-==== Nginx configuration ==== 
-I'm using https redirect for my hosts so i use following code on each domain.\\ 
-Works fine for me. 
-<code conf nginx.conf>​ 
-    if ($request_uri !~ "​^/​.well-known/​acme-challenge/​(.*)"​) { 
-        rewrite ​    ​^(.*) ​  ​https://​$host$1 permanent; 
-    } 
-    location /​.well-known/​acme-challenge { 
-        root /​var/​www/​letsencrypt;​ 
-    } 
-SSL Configuration 
-<code conf ssl.conf>​ 
-    ssl on; 
-    ssl_certificate_key /​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​privkey.pem;​ 
-    ssl_certificate /​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​fullchain.pem;​ 
-    ssl_trusted_certificate /​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​fullchain.pem;​ 
-==== Apache Configuration ==== 
-So each domain only need to redirect to HTTPS if URL requested is from acme. 
-<code conf domain.conf>​ 
-        RewriteEngine On 
-        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/​.well-known/​acme-challenge [NC] 
-        RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off 
-        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://​%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302] 
-SSL configuration 
-<code conf ssl.conf>​ 
-        SSLEngine on 
-        SSLCertificateFile ​     "/​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​cert.pem"​ 
-        SSLCertificateKeyFile ​  "/​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​privkey.pem"​ 
-        SSLCACertificatePath ​   "/​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​"​ 
-        SSLCertificateChainFile "/​etc/​letsencrypt/​live/​​fullchain.pem"​ 
-==== Cron setup ==== 
-Now i have script which run every 11 week. 
-<code bash letsrenew>​ 
-#​!/​usr/​bin/​env bash 
-# Renew Certificate using lets-encrypt 
-# Author : Ketan Patel <​>​ 
-# License : BSD 
-source /etc/bashrc 
-# Globals ( Please update ) 
-ldomains=('​'​ '​'​ '​'​ '​'​) 
-# Enable System level logging 
-# Redirect log to logger 
-exec 1> >(logger -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1 
-for i in ${ldomains[@]} 
-  do 
-    ${LETSENCRYPT_HOME}/​letsencrypt-auto certonly -c /​etc/​letsencrypt/​config/​${i}.conf --renew-by-default 
-  done 
-# Start web services 
-if /​usr/​bin/​systemctl restart ${WEBSERVER} ; then 
-   echo "Web service re-started after certificate renewal."​ 
-   echo "​Failed to start web services"​ 
letsencrypt.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:35 (external edit)