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mysql_backup_daily [2009/06/04 15:11]
k2patel created
mysql_backup_daily [2020/08/10 02:35]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Mysql Backup Daily ==== 
-** This is need to be modified 
-<code bash > 
-TIME_1=`date +%s` 
-cd /​backup/​mysql 
-DBS="​$(mysql --user=youruser --password=yourpass -Bse 'show databases'​)"​ 
-for db in ${DBS[@]} 
-echo ${db}-$(date +%m-%d-%y).sql.bz2 is being saved in /​backup/​mysql 
-# remember to add the options you need with your backups here. 
-mysqldump --user=youruser --password=yourpass $db --single-transaction -R | bzip2 -c > ${db}-$(date +%m-%d-%y).sql.bz2 
-TIME_2=`date +%s` 
-elapsed_time=$(( ( $TIME_2 - $TIME_1 ) / 60 )) 
-## just a sanity check to make sure i am not running a dump for 4 hours 
-echo "This mysql dump ran for a total of $elapsed_time minutes."​ > mysql_dump_runtime.txt 
-# delete old databases. I have it setup on a daily cron so 
-# anything older than 60 minutes is fine 
-for del in $(find /​backup/​mysql -name '​*.sql.bz2'​ -mmin +60) 
-echo This directory is more than one day old and it is being removed: $del 
-rm $del 
mysql_backup_daily.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:35 (external edit)