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Perl script which excutes regex and insert to mysql database

#!/bin/env perl
# name: mstore
# date: 20110515
# author: jason thomas <>
# purpose: take results of measure(site analytics utility), parse and insert into mysql backend
use strict;
use DBI;
my $ns = "";
my $host = "";
my $time = time;
export_results($time,$host,parse_results(measure($ns, $host)));
sub measure {
    my ($ns, $host) = @_;
    my $measure_cmd = "/home/jason/bin/measure";
    my @measure = ($measure_cmd, "-h", $host, "-p",  "80" ,"-u", "/",  $ns, $host);
    open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
    my @results = `@measure`;
    close (STDERR);
    return @results;
sub parse_results {
    my (@results) = @_;
    my @captureMatrix;
    foreach (@results){
        my @capture = ( $_ =~ m/([\d\.]+)\s(?:ms|Bytes)/g);
            if (@capture == "6"){
       #         print join(" ", @capture)."\n";
                push @captureMatrix, [@capture];
    return @captureMatrix;
sub export_results {
    my ($time, $host, @capture) = @_;
    my %db = (
        username => "xyz",
        password => "xxxxxxxxx",
        dbname => "xzy",
        mysqlhost => "",
    my $dbh = DBI->connect(
            {'RaiseError'=> 1}
    for my $i ( 0 .. $#capture){
        my $insert = sprintf("INSERT INTO measure VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME($time), $i, '$host', $capture[$i][0], $capture[$i][1], $capture[$i][2], $capture[$i][3], $capture[$i][4], $capture[$i][5])");
        eval {$dbh->do($insert)};
        print "Dropping foo failed: $@\n" if $@;
perl_execute_regex_and_insert_to_mysql_database.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:35 (external edit)