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PHP Shell Scanner

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# findshell v1.0 == code taken/modified from
#usage: ./ <sensitivity 1-50> <directory to scan>
use strict;
use File::Find;
my $sens = shift  || 10;
my $folder = shift || './';
find(\&backdoor, "$folder");
sub backdoor {
    if ((/\.(php|txt)/)){
       open (my $IN,"<$_") || die "can not open datei $File::Find::name: $!";
       my @file =  <$IN>;
       #maybe evil stuffs
       my $score = grep (/function_exists\(|phpinfo\(|safe_?mode|shell_exec\(|popen\(|passthru\(|system\(|myshellexec\(|exec\(|getpwuid\(|getgrgid  \(|fileperms\(/i,@file);
       #probably evil stuffs
       my $tempscore = grep(/\`\$\_(post|request|get).{0,20}\`|(include|require|eval|system|passthru|shell_exec).{0,10}\$\_(post|request|get)|eval.{0,10}base64_decode|back_connect|backdoor|r57|PHPJackal|PhpSpy|GiX|Fx29SheLL|w4ck1ng|milw0rm|PhpShell|k1r4|FeeLCoMz|FaTaLisTiCz|Ve_cENxShell|UnixOn|C99madShell|Spamfordz|Locus7s|c100|c99|x2300|cgitelnet|webadmin|PHPShell|tryag|sniper|noexecshell|\/etc\/passwd|revengans/i, @file);
       $score +=  50 *  $tempscore;
       print "$score - Possible backdoor : $File::Find::name\n" if ($score > $sens-1 );
       close $IN;
       open (my $IN,"<$_") || (print "can not open datei $File::Find::name: $!" && next);
       print "5000 - Possible backdoor (php in non-php file): $File::Find::name\n" if grep /(\<\?php|include(\ |\())/i, <$IN>;
       close $IN;
phpshell_scanner.1271203811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:30 (external edit)