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This is an old revision of the document!

Sar Reporting

Best Utility to get reports to your email for whole day of system status.

Requirement Specification

Following perl module require to be installed.


Following Packages from centOS / Redhat / Fedora need to be installed.

yum install -y local-perl-Date-Calc.x86_64 perl-Date-Calc.x86_64 rrdtool.x86_64 sysstat.x86_64 perl-MIME-Lite.noarch

Make following directory and place all script in “/root/sar” folder.

mkdir -p /root/sar/{img,rrd,xml}

Finally add it to cron.

# SAR Stats
20 0 * * * /root/sar/ >/dev/null 2>&1

sa report

This script goes to cron.

# Developed by
dtm=$(date -d 'now -1 days' +%d)
sar=$(which sar)
perl=$(which perl)
cd $location
# $sar -q -b -d -u -p -r -n DEV -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm.txt
$sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm_1.txt
$sar -r -b -q -d -n DEV -I SUM -u -f /var/log/sa/sa$dtm > sa$dtm.txt
$perl -T 1 -f sa$dtm_1.txt
$perl -T 1 -f sa$dtm.txt
$perl img/*.png
rm -f *.txt
rm -f */{*.png,*.xml,*.rrd}

sar to rrd

This script is available at sar2rrd

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ========================================================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modified by
# system path changed
# This script can be used to parse sar command output.
# It will create RRDTool archives and graphs.
# You can use command line arguments to select the graphs
# and the columns you wish.
# Common bug: lines of input text must end by '\n' not '\r\n' !
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.5
# Date: 10 Jun 2010
# Changes:
#   handle Sar output format of HP-UX 11 : some columns have
#	N/A values (thanks to Paolo Berva)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.4d
# Date: 01 Jun 2010
# Changes:
#	bug fix, upon interruption, the script could leave rrd temporary
#	files that could prohibit a further "rename" of resize.rrd
#	depending of the underlying filesystem
#	when concatenating RRD archives (with the -C option), the temporary
#	resize.rrd file is created in a writeable directory (the one
#	specified with the -r option)
#	also adds the -N option to avoid img and xml files generation
#	(only the rrd files will be generated)
#	(thanks to Roumano)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.4c
# Date: 07 Mar 2010
# Changes:
#	bug fix, a wrong regexp used to get the host name could take the
#	wrong parenthesis content:
#	Linux (ss7e55) 	03/07/2010 	_i686_	(8 CPU)
#	gives "8 CPU" as the host name !
#	(thanks to Marek Cevenka)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.4
# Date: 21 Feb 2009
# Changes:
#	add a new option on the command line that allows the
#	concatenation of results for the same indicator. Imagine you
#	get one "sar" file per each day, but you want a single graph
#	for multiple days (i.e from multiple "sar" files). This new
#	flag allows this kind of concatenation as long as the data
#	are sampled at the same rate.
#	add a new option on the command line that truncates the
#	RRA to a maximum count of days
#	the image and rrd directories can be specified using the
#	_HOST_ macro
#	add a new option to indicate the directory where to store
#	the XML files used by
#	bug fix for Solaris 10, where the year is given with 4 digits
#	(thanks to hans Förtsch)
#	bug fix for Solaris 10, where some lines must be skipped, for
#	example, lines containing "unix restarts" (thanks to H.F again)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.3
# Date: 24 Oct 2008
# Changes:
#	bug fix (on Solaris) when keynames for RRD files contain "/"
#	(thanks to Ciro Arierta)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.2a
# Date: 13 Feb 2008
# Changes:
#	bug fix on line 636 and 582: "next" instead of "return"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jerome Delamarche ( -
# Version: 2.2
# Date: 25 Sep 2007
# Changes:
#	added a new option ("-c") to ignore error with rrdtool updates
#	option -S (step) can specify an interval smaller than the interval
#		between the 2 first samples (ex: -S 60 when the first
#		interval indicates 61s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Version: 2.1
# Date: 20 Aug 2007
# Changes:
#	Complete rewriting of the parsing loop
#       Handle format of SunOS sar output
#       Handle incomplete lines:
#               timestamp (nothing on the line)
#               timestamp col1 col2 (other columns missing)
#       RRD archive now includes the hostname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# On some Solaris, the swpq-sz and %swpocc columns of the runq_sz
# report may be empty. values are no longer reported. This will be fixed
# in the script, but as a workaround you can specify the graph and
# the valid columns using the '-g' option on the command line.
# Note: in case of cross-over, there must be at least 3 measures
#	before midnight...
# ========================================================================
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Time::Local;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_Days);
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
# Parameters overridable via the command line:
my $uVerbose 	= 0;
my $uContinueOnErrors = 0;
#my $uDateFormat = "MDY";       # format of the date on the 1st output line
my $uDateFormat = "DMY";       # format of the date on the 1st output line
my $uStartDate 	= "";
my $uEndDate  	= "";
my $uStep	= "";
my $uSarFile 	= "";
my $uConcatenate = 0;
my $uTruncateSpec = 0;
my $uRRDOnly = 0;
my $uRRDDir	= "./rrd";
my $uXMLDir	= "./xml";
my $uImgDir	= "./img";
my $uImgWidth   = 400;
my $uImgHeight  = 200;
my $uLogarithmic   = "";
my $uGraphNameSpec = "";
my $uGraphColSign  = "";
my @uGraphColSpec  = ();
# Global parameters:
my $gRRDTool	= "/usr/bin/rrdtool";
my $gOSName 	= "";
my $gHostName	= "";
my $gStartTime 	= "";
my $gStartSec	= "";
my $gStartDay	= "";
my $gStartMonth = "";
my $gStartYear	= "";
my $gEndTime   	= "";
my $gEndSec	= "";
my $gEndDay	= "";
my $gEndMonth 	= "";
my $gEndYear	= "";
my $gDeltaSec	= 0;
my $gCuritem   	= "";
my $gMeasureCount = 0;
# Graph parameters:
my $gLineWidth  = 1;
my @gColors     = ( "FF0000", "0000FF", "00FFFF", "FF00FF", "FFFF00", "00FF00", "000000", "C0C0C0", "FF8C00", "8FBC8F" );
my $gGraphStartSec	= 0;
my $gGraphEndSec	= 0;
# "multiple" graphs are stats like Block Device or CPU Usage that indicate one line per item
#14:46:56          DEV       tps  rd_sec/s  wr_sec/s
#14:47:01       dev1-0      0,00      0,00      0,00
#14:47:01       dev1-1      0,00      0,00      0,00
# Note about the source names:
# '/' must be substituted by a '_'
# '%' must be substituted by 'prct_'
my %gAllSarStats     = (
	# Linux indicators:
	"linux" => {
                        "proc_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Process per Second",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "runq_sz" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Queue Size and Load Average",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "tps" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "I/O Transfer Rate",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "pgpgin_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Paging Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "DEV" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Block Device Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 1,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "INTR" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Interrupt Count",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 1,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "IFACE" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => {
                                                                "rxpck_s" => "Network Statistics",
                                                                "rxerr_s" => "Network Failure Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count/s",
                                        "multiple"      => 1,
                                        "keysize"       => 2,
                        "totsck" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Socket Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "kbmemfree" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Memory and Swap Utilization",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "frmpg_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Memory Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "CPU" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => {
                                                                "prct_user" => "CPU Utilization",
                                                                "i000_s" => "Interruption Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 1,
                                        "keysize"       => 2,
                        "dentunusd" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Inode and Files Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "cswch_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Context Switches per Second",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "pswpin_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Swapping Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
			# call/s added from version 2.1
			"call_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "NFS Client Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
			# scall/s added from version 2.1
			"scall_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "NFS Server Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
			# scall/s added from version 2.1
			"TTY" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "TTY Device Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
	# SunOS indicators:
	"sunos" => {
                        "runq_sz" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Queue Size and Load Average",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "iget_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Inode Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "freemem" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Memory Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "prct_usr" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "CPU Load",
                                        "unit"          => "percentage",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "bread_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Buffer Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "swpin_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Swapping Statistics",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "scall_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "System Calls",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "rawch_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "TTY Device Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "proc_sz" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Process and Inodes Status",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "msg_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Message and Semaphore",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "atch_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Paging Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "pgout_s" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Paging Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "sml_mem" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Kernel Memory Allocation",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 0,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
                        "device" => {
                                        "ignore_col"    => undef,
                                        "title"         => "Device Activity",
                                        "unit"          => "count",
                                        "multiple"      => 1,
                                        "keysize"       => 1,
	# HP-UX indicators:
	"hp-ux" => {
			"prct_usr" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "CPU Load",
					"unit"          => "percentage",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"runq_sz" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Queue Size and Load Average",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"swpin_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Swapping Statistics",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"bread_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Buffer Activity",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"scall_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "NFS Server Activity",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"iget_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Inode Statistics",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"rawch_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "TTY Device Activity",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"text_sz" => {
					"ignore_col"    => 1,
					"title"         => "Process Table Stat",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"msg_s" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Message and Semaphore",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 0,
					"keysize"       => 1,
			"device" => {
					"ignore_col"    => undef,
					"title"         => "Device Activity",
					"unit"          => "count",
					"multiple"      => 1,
					"keysize"       => 1,
my $gSarStats;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command line analysis:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
my %opts         = ();
if (exists($opts{'?'})) { Usage(); }
if (exists($opts{'c'})) { $uContinueOnErrors = 1; }
if (exists($opts{'C'})) { $uConcatenate = 1; }
if (exists($opts{'N'})) { $uRRDOnly = 1; }
if (exists($opts{'T'})) { $uTruncateSpec = int($opts{'T'}); }
if (exists($opts{'d'})) { $uRRDDir = $opts{'d'}; }
if (exists($opts{'i'})) { $uImgDir = $opts{'i'}; }
if (exists($opts{'x'})) { $uXMLDir = $opts{'x'}; }
if (exists($opts{'f'})) { $uSarFile = $opts{'f'}; }
if (exists($opts{'t'})) { $uDateFormat = $opts{'t'}; }
if (exists($opts{'H'})) { $uImgHeight = $opts{'H'}; }
if (exists($opts{'W'})) { $uImgWidth = $opts{'W'}; }
if (exists($opts{'o'})) { $uLogarithmic = "-o"; }
if (exists($opts{'s'})) { $uStartDate = $opts{'s'}; }
if (exists($opts{'e'})) { $uEndDate = $opts{'e'}; }
if (exists($opts{'S'})) { $uStep = $opts{'S'}; }
if (exists($opts{'v'})) { $uVerbose = 1; }
# Parameters check:
# should specify multiple files ? a hostname ? a range ? data to process ?
die("'$gRRDTool' is not an executable") if ! -x $gRRDTool;
if ($uRRDDir !~ /_HOST_/) {
	die("RRD Directory '$uRRDDir' is not a writeable directory") if ! -d $uRRDDir || ! -w $uRRDDir;
if (!$uRRDOnly && $uImgDir !~ /_HOST_/) {
	die("Image Directory '$uImgDir' is not a writeable directory") if ! -d $uImgDir || ! -w $uImgDir;
if ($uSarFile eq "") {
        print "sar result file not set. Please use -f option\n";
die("sar File '$uSarFile' is not a readable") if ! -r $uSarFile;
if ($uTruncateSpec && !$uConcatenate) {
	print "Option -T ignored : needs the -C option\n";
# Added with v1.2:
# Try to determine RRDTool version, because the syntax for the legend has changed between the versions:
my $version = `$gRRDTool | grep Copyright`;
my $dummy;
($dummy,$version) = split(/ /,$version);
my @vparts = split(/\./,$version);
my $gSpecialColon = 1;
if ($vparts[0] < 1 || ($vparts[0] == 1 && $vparts[1] < 2)) {
        $gSpecialColon = 0;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# First pass is used to get the OS version, the count of
# measures, the interval between measures and the start/end date:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($uTruncateSpec) {
	print "Truncating to $uTruncateSpec days\n";
# we determine the time range:
print "First Pass: determine the time range...\n";
# Sanity check:
# we must have a start & endtime and curitem should not be empty:
if ($gStartTime eq "") { die("Could not determine the Start Time from the output file\n"); }
if ($gEndTime eq "") { die("Could not determine the End Time from the output file\n"); }
#if ($gCuritem eq "") { die("No Item to graph found in the file\n"); }
# Handling of graph & columns spec:
if (exists($opts{'g'})) { 
        my @graph_spec_parts = split(/:/,$opts{'g'});
        if (scalar(@graph_spec_parts) < 2) {
                print "Incorrect syntax for '-g' option: should be '-g graphname:(+|-)column,...\n";
        if (!exists($gSarStats->{$graph_spec_parts[0]})) {
                die("Value of graph specification does not start by a valid statistics name (".$graph_spec_parts[0].")\n");
        $uGraphColSign = substr($graph_spec_parts[1],0,1);
        if ($uGraphColSign ne "-" && $uGraphColSign ne "+") {
                print "Incorrect syntax for '-g' option: should be '-g graphname:(+|-)column,...\n";
        $uGraphNameSpec = $graph_spec_parts[0];
        @uGraphColSpec = split(/,/,substr($graph_spec_parts[1],1));
        # Note: column names cannot be checked (or we must store predefined values somewhere ?)
# Handle start and end date specified on the command line:
my $user_startsec = 0;
my $user_endsec= 0;
if ($uStartDate ne "") {
        $user_startsec = CheckDate($uStartDate,"start");
if ($uEndDate ne "") {
        $user_endsec = CheckDate($uEndDate,"end");
if ($user_startsec && $user_endsec && $user_endsec < $user_startsec) {
        die("The specified end date: $uEndDate, is anterior to the specified start date: $uStartDate\n");
# Adapt the interval (in seconds) between to measures:
if ($uStep) {
        if (0 && $uStep < $gDeltaSec) {
                die("The specified step ('$uStep') is less than the interval between two values ('$gDeltaSec')\n");
	else {
		$gDeltaSec = $uStep;
print "Range starts from $gStartTime to $gEndTime\n";
print "Use Interval of $gDeltaSec seconds\n";
# Adjust the graph time interval:
$gGraphStartSec = ($user_startsec) ? $user_startsec : $gStartSec;
$gGraphEndSec   = ($user_endsec) ? $user_endsec : $gEndSec;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Second pass:
# create the graphs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
print "Second Pass: create the graphs...\n";
# Variables for graphs creation:
my $gSarStat	= "";
my $gSkip	= 0;
my $gFirstValue = 1;    # skip the 1st value which is never significant with sar
my $gFirstTime;
my $nextblock   = 0;
my %graphs      = ();
my $dsheartbeat = 0;
my $dsstring    = "";
my $rras        = "";
my $graphname   = "";
my $dsname      = "";
my $keyname     = "";
my $rrdfile     = "";
my $cmd         = "";
my $title       = "";
my $vlabel      = "";
my $dsnames     = "";
my $ismultiple  = 0;
my $startidx;
my $idx;
my $status;
# To memorize the last graph update:
my $prev_rrdfile = "";
my $prev_cursec = 0;
# Dump the former graph:
if ($gSarStat ne "") {
sub HeaderCallback
	my ($osname,$hostname) = @_;
	print "Analysing 'sar' output for a $osname System: $hostname\n";
	$gOSName = $osname;
	$gHostName = $hostname;
	$gSarStats = $gAllSarStats{$osname};
	return 0;
sub StartTimeCallback
	my ($startday,$startmonth,$startyear,$starttime,$startsec,$deltasec) = @_;
	if ($uVerbose) { print "StartTimeCallback: startday=$startday,startmonth=$startmonth,startyear=$startyear,starttime=$starttime,startsec=$startsec,deltasec=$deltasec\n"; }
	$gStartTime 	= $starttime;
	$gStartSec	= $startsec;
	$gStartDay  	= $startday;
	$gStartMonth 	= $startmonth;
	$gStartYear 	= $startyear;
	$gDeltaSec 	= $deltasec;
	return 0;
sub EndTimeCallback
	my ($endday,$endmonth,$endyear,$endtime,$endsec,$mcount) = @_;
	if ($uVerbose) { print "EndTimeCallback: endday=$endday,endmonth=$endmonth,endyear=$endyear,endtime=$endtime,endsec=$endsec,mcount=$mcount\n"; }
	$gEndDay 	= $endday;
	$gEndMonth	= $endmonth;
	$gEndYear	= $endyear;
	$gEndTime	= $endtime;
	$gEndSec	= $endsec;
	$gMeasureCount 	= $mcount;
	print "$gMeasureCount measures detected\n";
	return 1;	# stop parsing for the 1st pass
sub GraphHeaderCallback
	my ($parts) = @_;
	my $idx;
	my $columns;
	if ($uVerbose) { print @{$parts},"\n"; }
	# Make sure columns have different names:
	# for example, Solaris sar displays:
	# 11:44:20  proc-sz    ov  inod-sz    ov  file-sz    ov   lock-sz
	# here, the 1st ov will be renames proc-sz_ov, the second one inod-sz_ov
	my %colnames = ();
	for ( $idx = 1 ; $idx < scalar(@{$parts}) ; $idx++ ) {
		if (exists $colnames{${$parts}[$idx]}) {
			${$parts}[$idx] = ${$parts}[$idx-1]."_".${$parts}[$idx];
		$colnames{${$parts}[$idx]} = 1;
	# Do we need to create a new graph ?
	$columns = scalar(@{$parts}) - 1;
	my $line = join(' ',@{$parts}[1..$columns]);
	if ($gSarStat ne $line) {
		# Dump the former graph:
		if ($gSarStat ne "") {
		# Create a new graph:
		$dsname = MakeDSName(${$parts}[1]);
		if ($uGraphNameSpec ne "") {
			if ($dsname eq $uGraphNameSpec) {
				print "Analyzing data for $dsname\n";
				$gSkip = 0;
			else {
				print "Skip data for $dsname\n";
				$gSarStat = $line;
				$gSkip = 1; 
		else {
			print "Analyzing data for $dsname\n";
		# the DS Name depends on the keysize:
		# Sanity check:
		$keyname = "";
		if (!exists($gSarStats->{$dsname})) {
			die("Unknown dsname: $dsname\n");
		if ($gSarStats->{$dsname}{'keysize'} > 1) {
			$keyname = MakeDSName(${$parts}[2]);
			$keyname = "-".$keyname;
		$dsheartbeat = 2 * $gDeltaSec;
		$dsstring = "";
		$dsnames  = "";
		# Is it a single or a multiple graph ?
		$ismultiple = $gSarStats->{$dsname}{'multiple'};
		$startidx = ($ismultiple) ? 2 : 1;
		for ( $idx = $startidx ; $idx < scalar(@{$parts}) ; $idx++ ) {
			my $ds = MakeDSName(${$parts}[$idx]);
			if ($dsstring ne "") { $dsnames .= ":"; }
			$dsstring .= "DS:$ds:GAUGE:$dsheartbeat:0:U ";
			$dsnames .= $ds;
		$rras = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:$gMeasureCount";
		if (!$ismultiple) {
			#$rrdfile = "$uRRDDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname.rrd";
			$rrdfile = GetNoMacroFilename($uRRDDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname.rrd");
			$gFirstValue = 1;
		else {
			# we cannot create the RRD now, we must analyse the next lines:
			if ($uVerbose) { print "we must analyse more lines before creating the RRD...\n"; }
			$nextblock = 1;
			%graphs = ();
	$gSarStat = $line;
	return 0;
sub DataCallback
	my ($cursec,$parts) = @_;
	my $idx;
	# Must skip the whole block in case of multiple graph:
        if ($gFirstValue) { $gFirstValue = 0; $gFirstTime = ${$parts}[0]; return; }
	if (${$parts}[0] eq $gFirstTime) { return; }
        if ($gSkip) { return; }
	if ($uVerbose) { print @{$parts},"\n"; }
        # This is a measure line: we must update the graph
        my $DATA = "$cursec:";
        my $startidx = ($ismultiple) ? 2 : 1;
        for ( $idx = $startidx ; $idx < scalar(@{$parts}) ; $idx++ ) {
                ${$parts}[$idx] =~ s/,/\./g;
                if ($idx > $startidx) { $DATA.= ":"; }
		# Added from v2.5 (patch from Paolo Berva)
		# HP-UX displays N/A for text-sz index
		# 14:45:24 text-sz  ov  proc-sz  ov  inod-sz  ov  file-sz  ov
		# 14:50:24   N/A   N/A 340/4096  0  1677/34816 0  5823/63498 0
		if (${$parts}[$idx] =~ /N\/A/) {
			${$parts}[$idx] = "U";
                # Solaris may display values such as X/Y:
                #11:44:20  proc-sz    ov  inod-sz    ov  file-sz    ov   lock-sz
                #11:44:50  218/30000  0 83463/128248 0 3763/3763    0    0/0
                # We eliminate the /Y... (sorry !)
                if (${$parts}[$idx] =~ /\//) {
                        ${$parts}[$idx] =~ s/(.*)\/.*/$1/;
                $DATA .= ${$parts}[$idx];
	# Check if current line is the header for a multiple graph:
	if ($nextblock) {
		# if the column name is not in the @graphs array, add it
		# create a new graph when array is full:
		my $graphname = ${$parts}[1];
		# fixed from v2.3: on Solaris some device names may contain / !
		# (tahnks to Ciro Iriarte)
		# 00:00:01   device        %busy   avque   r+w/s  blks/s  avwait  avserv
		# 00:01:01  10/md200          0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
		#           10/md201          0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
		$graphname =~ s/\//_/g;
		if (exists($graphs{$graphname})) {
			$nextblock = 0;
		else {
			$graphs{$graphname} = 1;
			#my $rrdfile = "$uRRDDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname-$graphname.rrd";
			my $rrdfile = GetNoMacroFilename($uRRDDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname-$graphname.rrd");
			#$cmd = "$gRRDTool create $rrdfile -b $gStartSec -s $gDeltaSec $dsstring $rras";
	# It may happen that the RRD file does not exist:
	# in this example, nfs24 suddenly appears ! we ignore it:
	#10:07:09  nfs1              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
	#          nfs2              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
	#          nfs5              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.3
	#          nfs21             0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0 
	#10:07:39  nfs1              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0 
	#	   nfs2              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0 
	#	   nfs5              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0 
	#	   nfs21             0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0 
	#	   nfs24             0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
        if ($ismultiple) {
		# TODO : what about if $parts[1] contains some slashes ?
		#$rrdfile = "$uRRDDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname-".${$parts}[1].".rrd";
		$rrdfile = GetNoMacroFilename($uRRDDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname-".${$parts}[1].".rrd");
		if (! -f $rrdfile) { return 0; }
	# Fixed from v2.3: on Solaris, for the same period, they may be
	# multiple lines for the same keys !
	#   ssd109.t          0     0.0    1377   86815     0.0     0.0
	#   ssd109.t          0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
	if ($rrdfile eq $prev_rrdfile && $prev_cursec == $cursec) { return 0; }
	$prev_rrdfile = $rrdfile;
	$prev_cursec = $cursec;
	my $cmd = "$gRRDTool update $rrdfile -t $dsnames $DATA";
	return 0;
# File Parsing Encapsulation:
sub ParseFile
	my ($fname,$hdrcback,$starttimecback,$endtimecback,$graphhdrcback,$datacback) = @_;
	my ($ST_INIT, $ST_INBLOCK, $ST_NOBLOCK) = (1..10);
	my $curstate = $ST_INIT;
	my $hostname;
	my $uname;
	my $headerline = 0;
	my $curheader = "";
	my $inblock = 0;
	my $curdate;
	my ($startmonth,$startday,$startyear);
	my ($endmonth,$endday,$endyear);
	my $starttime = "";
	my $endtime = "";
	my $secondtime = "";
	my $endtime_sent = 0;
	my @parts;
	my $lasttime;
	my $line;
	my $columns;		# count of columns in the current block
	my $measurecount = 0;
	my $first_over = 1;
	my $days_over_insec = 0;
	open(FD,"<$fname") or die("Could not open file '$fname' in read mode\n");
	while (<FD>) {
		# Added from version 2.0c:
		# eliminate DOS EOL markers
		$_ =~ s/\r\n/\n/;
		# always ignore empty lines, they cannot be considered as block delimitors:
		if ($_ eq "") { next; }
		if ($uVerbose) { print "($curstate)line:$_\n"; }
		# Eliminate LINUX events:
		# 08:28:54          LINUX RESTART
		if ($_ =~ /LINUX/) { next; }
		# Added from v2.4 for SunOS 10 (thanks to Hans Förtsch):
		# Eliminate unix events:
		# 08:28:54	    unix restarts
		if ($_ =~ /unix/) { next; }
		if ($curstate == $ST_INIT) {
			# Handle the header:
			# The first line should indicate the day:
			# possible formats are: 
			# for Linux:
			#       Linux version (hostname) DD.MM.YYYY
			#   or: Linux version (hostname) DD/MM/YYYY
			#   or: Linux version (hostname) YYYY-MM-DD
			#   (new formats added from version 2.0b)
			#   (thanks to
			# for SunOS (starting in v1.3):
			#       SunOS hostname version release arch MM/DD/YY
			$curdate = $_;
			$hostname = $_;
			if ($curdate =~ /^Linux/i) {
				$curdate =~ s/^.*\(.*\)[^[:digit:]]*([[:digit:]]{2,4}[\.\/-][[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/-][[:digit:]]{2,4}).*$/$1/;
				# Changed from v2.4c (thanks to Marek Cervenka)
				#$hostname =~ s/^.*\((.*)\).*$/$1/;
				$hostname =~ s/^.*?\((.*?)\).*$/$1/;
				$uname = "linux";
			elsif ($curdate =~ /^SunOS/i) {
				# Fixed from v2.4 (thanks to Hans Förtsch): on SunOS the year can be on 4 digits
				#$curdate =~ s/.*([[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2}).*$/$1/;
				$curdate =~ s/.*([[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2,4}).*$/$1/;
				@parts = split(/ /,$hostname);
				$hostname = $parts[1];
				$uname = "sunos";
			elsif ($curdate =~ /^HP-UX/i) {
				# Added from v2.5 (thanks to Paolo Berva)
				$curdate =~ s/.*([[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2}[\.\/][[:digit:]]{2,4}).*$/$1/;
				@parts = split(/\s+/,$hostname);
				$hostname = $parts[1];
				$uname = "hp-ux";
			else {
				die("Unknown Operating System inside '$curdate'\n");
			if ($uDateFormat eq "MDY") {
				($startmonth,$startday,$startyear) = split(/[\.\/-]/,$curdate);
			elsif ($uDateFormat eq "DMY") {
				($startday,$startmonth,$startyear) = split(/[\.\/-]/,$curdate);
			# New formats added from version 2.0b
			elsif ($uDateFormat eq "YDM") {
				($startyear,$startday,$startmonth) = split(/[\.\/-]/,$curdate);
			elsif ($uDateFormat eq "YMD") {
				($startyear,$startmonth,$startday) = split(/[\.\/-]/,$curdate);
			else {
				die("Unknown Date Format: '$uDateFormat' (supported format are: MDY, DMY, YDM and YMD)\n");
			($endday,$endmonth,$endyear) = ($startday,$startmonth,$startyear);
			if ($hdrcback) { if ($hdrcback->($uname,$hostname)) { last; } }
			$curstate = $ST_NOBLOCK;
		# Starting from here, we know the header has been analysed:
		# Multiple spaces are considered as a simple char:
		$_ =~ s/([[:space:]]+)/ /g;
		#print $_,"\n";
		@parts = split(/[[:space:]]/);
		if ($curstate == $ST_NOBLOCK) {
			# We expect a block header:
			# Lines must start with a time specification:
			#Average   nfs1              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
			if ($parts[0] !~ /[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]/) { next; }
			$curstate = $ST_INBLOCK;
			# Always memorize the last time:
			# since version 2.0c, this assignment is made AFTER StripAMPM() call !
			$lasttime = $parts[0];
			# Indicate a new graph may start here:
			$curheader = $parts[1];
			$columns = scalar(@parts);
			if ($graphhdrcback) { if ($graphhdrcback->(\@parts)) { last; } }
			next;   # the starttime starts AFTER the header line
		if ($curstate == $ST_INBLOCK) {
			# Ignore repeated headers such as :
			#11:30:01 PM    proc/s 
			#11:40:01 PM     5.04
			#11:50:01 PM     5.04
			#03:50:01 AM    proc/s
			#04:10:01 AM     18.05
			#04:20:01 AM     17.18
			if ($parts[1] eq $curheader) {
			# Sometimes the time may be missing (Solaris...):
			#09:55:39  device        %busy   avque   r+w/s  blks/s  avwait  avserv
			#09:56:09  nfs1              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
			#          nfs2              0     0.0       0       0     0.0     0.0
			#          nfs5              0     0.0       0       2     0.0     3.7
			if ($parts[0] =~ /^[[:space:]]/ || !length($parts[0])) {
				# put the last time back:
				$parts[0] = $lasttime;
			# Determine the end of block: empty lines are enough on Linux,
			# not on solaris: 
			# on Solaris, empty lines may not delimit blocks:
			# blocks end with a line such as "^Average....", depending on the locale.
			# Sometimes the new block starts with a new header line...
			#09:55:39  proc-sz    ov  inod-sz    ov  file-sz    ov   lock-sz
			#09:56:09  132/30000    0 91719/128248    0 1895/1895    0    0/0
			#16:35:39  127/30000    0 60543/128248    0 1881/1881    0    0/0
			#09:55:39   msg/s  sema/s
			#09:56:09    0.00    0.10
			#09:56:39    0.00    0.00
			# we consider the end block when 
			# the line starts with a non-digit and non-space char
			# or when the first column changed and is not a number and not a DS Name !
			my $isdsname = MakeDSName($parts[1]);
			if ($parts[0] !~ /^[[:digit:][:space:]]/ ||
			    ($parts[1] !~ /^[0-9]/ && exists($gSarStats->{$isdsname}))) { 
				if ($uVerbose) { print "End of block\n"; }
				# Note: all block is supposed to end with an "Average" line
				if (!$endtime_sent) {
					#print $parts[0]," ",$parts[1]," ",$lasttime,"\n"; die;
					$endtime_sent = 1;
					my $endsec = timelocal(reverse(split(/:/,$endtime)),$endday,$endmonth,$endyear);
					if ($endtimecback) {
						if ($endtimecback->($endday,$endmonth,$endyear,$endtime,$endsec,$measurecount)) { last; }
				$curstate = $ST_NOBLOCK;
				$days_over_insec = 0;
				$starttime = $secondtime = $endtime = $curheader = "";
				$first_over = 1;
				if ($parts[1] !~ /^[0-9]/ && exists($gSarStats->{$isdsname})) {
					goto BLOCKHDR;
			# Always memorize the last time:
			$lasttime = $parts[0];
			# Skip or add missing parameters to incomplete lines (see Solaris:
			#11:44:20 runq-sz %runocc swpq-sz %swpocc
			#11:44:50     2.5       7
			if (scalar(@parts) < 2) { next; }
			my $idx = scalar(@parts);
			for ( ; $idx < $columns ; $idx++ ) {
				$parts[$idx] = "";
			# Is it the first row of real value ?
			# we must memorize the starting date:
			if ($starttime eq "") { $starttime = $parts[0]; }
			# If it is the second row of value, we get the date 
			# to compute the interval between two measures:
			elsif ($secondtime eq "" && $starttime ne $parts[0]) { 
				# Note: we suppose the first and second lines belong to the same day !
				$secondtime = $parts[0]; 
				my $startsec = timelocal(reverse(split(/:/,$starttime)),$startday,$startmonth,$startyear);
				my $secondsec = timelocal(reverse(split(/:/,$secondtime)),$startday,$startmonth,$startyear);
				my $deltasec = $secondsec - $startsec;
				if ($starttimecback) { 
					if ($starttimecback->($startday,$startmonth,$startyear,$starttime,$startsec,$deltasec)) { last; }
			# We also need to compute the measure count:
			# Ignore lines which have identical timestamp (think of multiple CPU !)
			if ($endtime eq "" || $endtime ne $parts[0]) {
			# cross over midnight ?
			if ($starttime gt $parts[0]) {
				if ($first_over) {
					if ($hdrcback) { print "cross over midnight($endyear,$endmonth,$endday)\n"; }
					eval {
						($endyear,$endmonth,$endday) = Add_Delta_Days($endyear,$endmonth,$endday,1);
						$days_over_insec += 86400;
					if ($@) {
						die("Incorrect Date Format on the 1st line\nUse the -t option\n");
					$first_over = 0;
			else {
				$first_over = 1;
			$endtime = $parts[0];
			# This is a measure line:
			if ($datacback) { 
				my $cursec = timelocal(reverse(split(/:/,$parts[0])),$gStartDay,$gStartMonth,$gStartYear);
				$cursec += $days_over_insec;
				if ($datacback->($cursec,\@parts)) { last; } 
sub CheckDate
        my ($date,$label) = @_;
        my @date;
        my $sec;
        my $month;
        @date = split(/[ :-]/,$date);
        $sec = timelocal($date[5],$date[4],$date[3],$date[1],$date[0]-1,$date[2]);
        #print "sec=$sec, startsec=$startsec, endsec=$endsec\n";
        if ($sec < $gStartSec) {
                $month = $gStartMonth+1;
                die("The $label date specified on the command line: $date, is anterior to the first date read in the file: $month-$gStartDay-$gStartYear $gStartTime\n");
        if ($sec > $gEndSec) {
                $month = $gEndMonth+1;
                die("The $label date specified on the command line: $date, is posterior to the last date read in the file: $month-$gEndDay-$gEndYear $gEndTime\n");
        return $sec;
sub MakeDSName
        my ($name) = @_;
        $name =~ s/%/prct_/g;
        $name =~ s/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g;
        return $name;
sub Time24
        my ($parts) = @_;
        # Add 12 hours, but 12PM is 12 and 12AM is 00:
        #print "p0=",${$parts}[0],"--";
        my @thetime = split(/:/,${$parts}[0]);
        if (${$parts}[1] eq "AM") {
                if ($thetime[0] eq "12") {
                        ${$parts}[0] = "00:".$thetime[1].":".$thetime[2];
        else {
                if ($thetime[0] ne "12") {
                        ${$parts}[0] = $thetime[0]+12;
                        ${$parts}[0] .= ":".$thetime[1].":".$thetime[2];
        if ($uVerbose) { print "Time24: new time is: ",${$parts}[0],"\n"; }
sub StripAMPM
	my ($p) = @_;
	# Eliminate the 2nd column if it is a AM or a PM:
	#12:00:01 AM    proc/s
	#12:10:01 AM     17.15
	if ($p->[1] eq "AM" || $p->[1] eq "PM") {
		# Eliminate the column:
		my $part0 = $p->[0];
sub CreateRRA
	my ($rrdfile,$dsstring,$rras) = @_;
	if ($uConcatenate) {
		# Check if RRD already exists:
		if (-e $rrdfile) {
			# Get the first update of the current RRD:
			$cmd = "$gRRDTool first $rrdfile";
			my ($firstsec) = `$cmd`;
			chomp $firstsec;
			if ($firstsec < 0) {
				die("'$gRRDTool first $rrdfile' failed");
			# Get the last update of the current RRD:
			$cmd = "$gRRDTool last $rrdfile";
			my ($lastsec) = `$cmd`;
			chomp $lastsec;
			if ($lastsec < 0) {
				die("'$gRRDTool last $rrdfile' failed");
			# Check the new start if greater then the "last" data:
			if ($lastsec >= $gStartSec) {
				die("The last date in the current RRD file is newer than the start date ($lastsec/$gStartSec)");
			# Compute the count of new rows : there is an adjustment
			# to make if the previous and the new one are separated by
			# more than one interval:
			my $morerows = $gMeasureCount + int(($gStartSec - $lastsec) / $gDeltaSec + .5);
			#print $gStartSec - $lastsec;
			#die("rrdtool last: $lastsec startSec: $gStartSec, rras: $rras, measurecount=$gMeasureCount, morerows=$morerows");
			# Change the real StartSec for the graph:
			$gGraphStartSec = $firstsec;
			# From v2.4d, create resize.rrd in a writeable directory
			ResizeRRDFile("0 GROW $morerows",$rrdfile);
			# Truncate if necessary:
			if ($uTruncateSpec) {
				# Get the last update of the current RRD:
				$cmd = "$gRRDTool last $rrdfile";
				$lastsec = `$cmd`;
				chomp $lastsec;
				if ($lastsec < 0) {
					die("'$gRRDTool last $rrdfile' failed");
				# Compute the count of maximum rows:
				my $rowcount = ($lastsec - $firstsec) / $gDeltaSec;	 # actual rows
				$rowcount = int($rowcount + 0.5);
				my $maxrows = ($uTruncateSpec * 24 * 3600) / $gDeltaSec; # max rows
				$maxrows = int($maxrows + 0.5);
				#print "firstsec=$firstsec, lastsec=$lastsec, rowcount=$rowcount, maxrows=$maxrows\n";
				my $removerows;
				if ($maxrows < $rowcount) {
					$removerows = $rowcount - $maxrows;
					# From v2.4d, create resize.rrd in a writeable directory
					ResizeRRDFile("0 SHRINK $removerows",$rrdfile);
					# Shift the start time for the graph:
					$gGraphStartSec = $firstsec + $gDeltaSec * $removerows;
				else {
					print "Archive '$rrdfile' too small to be truncated\n";
	$cmd = "$gRRDTool create $rrdfile -b $gStartSec -s $gDeltaSec $dsstring $rras";
sub CreateImage 
	my $title;
	my $vlabel;
        if ($gSkip) { return; }
        $title = $gSarStats->{$dsname}{'title'};
        $vlabel = $gSarStats->{$dsname}{'unit'};
        # $dsnames is col1:col2:....
        # we must apply $uGraphColSign and $uGraphColSpec here:
        my @ds = split(/:/,$dsnames);
        my $defs = "";
        my $color;
        my $imgfile;
        COL: for ( my $idx = 0 ; $idx < scalar(@ds) ; $idx++ ) {
                if ($uGraphNameSpec ne "") {
                        my $colname = $ds[$idx];
                        if ($uGraphColSign eq "+") {
                                my $found = 0;
				# Added from v2.2a : empty graph spec means "everything"
				if (!scalar(@uGraphColSpec)) { 
					$found = 1; 
				else {
					# the column must be listed
					foreach my $col (@uGraphColSpec) {
						if ($col eq $colname) {
							$found = 1;
                                if (!$found) { next COL; }
                        else {
                                # the column must not be listed
                                foreach my $col (@uGraphColSpec) {
                                        if ($col eq $colname) {
                                                next COL;
                $color = $gColors[$idx % scalar(@gColors)];
                if ($ismultiple) {
                        $defs .= "DEF:v$idx=RRDFILE:".$ds[$idx].":AVERAGE LINE$gLineWidth:v$idx#$color:".$ds[$idx]." ";
                else {
                        $defs .= "DEF:v$idx=$rrdfile:".$ds[$idx].":AVERAGE LINE$gLineWidth:v$idx#$color:".$ds[$idx]." ";
        if ($defs eq "") {
                die("No column selected to display the graph\n");
        my $startdate = localtime($gGraphStartSec);
        my $enddate  = localtime($gGraphEndSec);
        if ($gSpecialColon) {
                $startdate =~ s/:/\\:/g;
                $enddate =~ s/:/\\:/g;
        #print $startdate,"\n";
        #print $enddate,"\n";
        my $legend = '"COMMENT:From '.$startdate.', To '.$enddate.'\\c" "COMMENT:\\n"';
        if ($ismultiple) {
                foreach $graphname (keys %graphs) {
						if (!$uRRDOnly) {
							#$imgfile = "$uImgDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname-$graphname.png";
							$imgfile = GetNoMacroFilename($uImgDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname-$graphname.png");
							# set the good RRD file name:
							my $defs2 = $defs;
							#$defs2 =~ s!RRDFILE!$uRRDDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname-$graphname.rrd!g;
							my $realfname = GetNoMacroFilename($uRRDDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname-$graphname.rrd");
							$defs2 =~ s!RRDFILE!$realfname!g;
							if ($keyname ne "") {
									my $keyname2 = substr($keyname,1); # suppress the leading '-'
									$title = $gSarStats->{$dsname}{'title'}{$keyname2}." for $graphname";
							else {
									$title = $gSarStats->{$dsname}{'title'}." $graphname";
							$cmd = "$gRRDTool graph $imgfile -t '$title' -s $gGraphStartSec -e $gGraphEndSec $uLogarithmic -S $gDeltaSec -v '$vlabel' -w $uImgWidth -h $uImgHeight -a PNG $legend $defs2 >/dev/null";
        else {
				if (!$uRRDOnly) {
					#$imgfile = "$uImgDir/$gHostName-$dsname$keyname.png";
					$imgfile = GetNoMacroFilename($uImgDir,$gHostName,"$dsname$keyname.png");
					$cmd = "$gRRDTool graph $imgfile -t '$title' -s $gGraphStartSec -e $gGraphEndSec $uLogarithmic -S $gDeltaSec -v '$vlabel' -w $uImgWidth -h $uImgHeight -a PNG $legend $defs >/dev/null";
 # Added from v2.4:
sub GetNoMacroFilename
	my ($dstdir,$hostname,$fname) = @_;
	my $realdstdir;
	my $realfname;
	# Handle the _HOST_ macro:
	$realdstdir = $dstdir;
	if ($dstdir =~ /_HOST_/) {
		$realdstdir =~ s/_HOST_/$hostname/g;
		$realfname = "$realdstdir/$fname";
	else {
		$realfname = "$realdstdir/$hostname-$fname";
	if (! -d $realdstdir) {
		mkdir($realdstdir) or die("Could not create '$realdstdir' directory");
	return $realfname;
sub MySystem
	my ($cmd) = @_;
	my $status;
	if ($uVerbose) { print $cmd,"\n"; }
	if ($status = system($cmd)) {
		if (!$uContinueOnErrors) {
			die("Command '$cmd' failed with return code: $status\n");
# This function has been added from v2.4
# The purpose is to store in a XML file the graph characteristics to make possible
# a further graph regenration with rebuilding the RRD file. This XML file can be
# used with the additional script.
sub WriteGraphXML
	my ($xmldir,$hostname,$rfile,$title,$vlabel,$defs,$ifile,$delta,$w,$h,$logmic) = @_;
	if ($uRRDOnly) { return; }
	my $fname = $rfile;
	$fname =~ s/\.rrd$/\.xml/;
	my @parts = split(/\//,$fname);
	$fname = GetNoMacroFilename($xmldir,$hostname,$parts[-1]);
	open(XML,">$fname") or die("Could not open file '$fname' in write mode");
	print XML "<sar2rrd>\n";
	print XML "\t<title>$title</title>\n";
	print XML "\t<vlabel>$vlabel</vlabel>\n";
	print XML "\t<rrdfile>$rfile</rrdfile>\n";
	print XML "\t<imgfile>$ifile</imgfile>\n";
	print XML "\t<deltasec>$delta</deltasec>\n";
	print XML "\t<width>$w</width>\n";
	print XML "\t<height>$h</height>\n";
	print XML "\t<logarithmic>$logmic</logarithmic>\n";
	print XML "\t<defs>$defs</defs>\n";
	print XML "</sar2rrd>\n";
# Added for v2.4d
# Rename "resize.rrd" file into $rrdfile
sub ResizeRRDFile
	my ($cmdargs,$rrdfile) = @_;
	if ($uVerbose) { print "ResizeRRDFile($rrdfile)\n"; }
	# From v2.4d, create resize.rrd in a writeable directory
	my $absfile = File::Spec->rel2abs($rrdfile);
	my $curdir = Cwd::getcwd();
	my $newdir = GetNoMacroFilename($uRRDDir,$gHostName,"");
	if (!chdir($newdir)) {
		die("Could not change current directory to '$newdir'");
	$cmd = "$gRRDTool resize $absfile $cmdargs";
	# Delete the current file if it exists:
	if (-e $rrdfile) {
		if (!unlink($rrdfile)) {
			die("Could not delete '$rrdfile'");
	# Rename 'resize.rrd' into $rrdfile:
	if (!rename("resize.rrd",$absfile)) {
		die("Could not rename 'resize.rrd' into '$absfile'");
	# Restore the initial directory:
	if (!chdir($curdir)) {
		die("Could not change current directory to '$curdir'");
sub Usage
	print "Usage: $0\t[-?ovcCN] [-d rrd_dir] [-i img_dir] [-x xml_dir] [-W width] [-H height]\n";
	print "\t\t\t[-s start_date] [-e end_date] [-S step]\n";
	print "\t\t\t[-g graph_spec] [-t DMY|MDY|YDM|YMD] [-T days] -f sar_file\n";
	print "Options:\n";
	print "\t-? : this help\n";
	print "\t-v : verbose mode\n";
	print "\t-c : continue on error\n";
	print "\t-C : (concatenate) add sar file content in the current RRD archive\n";
	print "\t-N : (no file) generates RRD files only (no img and no xml files)\n";
	print "\t-o : use a logarithmic scale for Y scale\n";
	print "\t-d rrd_dir : directory where RRD files must be created\n";
	print "\t-i img_dir : directory where to place PNG images\n";
	print "\t-x xml_dir : directory where to place XML files (used by\n";
	print "\t\tnote that these values can contain the _HOST_ macro\n";
	print "\t\tto create directories which depend on the hostname\n";
	print "\t-W width : images width (in pixels)\n";
	print "\t-H height : images height (in pixels)\n";
	print "\t-s start_date : start date (MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS)\n";
	print "\t-e end_date : end date (MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS)\n";
	print "\t-S step : interval (in seconds) between to values in the graph\n";
	print "\t-g graph_spec: by default all possible graphs are created\n";
	print "\t\tgraph_spec syntax is: data:(+|-)[column[,column...]]\n";
	print "\t\tthis creates only the graph and the specified columns\n";
	print "\t\tnote that graph and column name must contain '_' instead of '-'\n";
	print "\t-t MDY|DMY|YDM|YMD: indicates the format for the date displayed on the 1st output line\n";
	print "\t-T days : (truncate) maximum count of days stored in the RRA (only valid with the -C option)\n";
	print "\t-f sar_file : file to analyse - created by the 'sar -f ...' command\n";

Notify Script

This script send email with all the graph

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Modified / updated by
# This script send email with attachment
#use strict;
use MIME::Lite;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SMTP;
my $SMTP_SERVER = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t';
my $DEFAULT_SENDER = 'k2patel@localhost.localdomain';
my $stamp = `date -d 'now -1 days' +%b-%d-%y`;
my $hstnm = `hostname`;
# process options
getopts('hf:t:s:', \%o);
$o{f} ||= $DEFAULT_SENDER;
$o{s} ||= $stamp.' '.$hstnm.' '.' : System utilizatoin Report';
if ($o{h} or !@ARGV) {
        die "usage:\n\t$0 -h -f -t -s /var/log/log.txt\n";
# construct and send email
$msg = new MIME::Lite(
From => $o{f},
To => $o{t},
Subject => $o{s},
Data => "Hi",
Type => "multipart/mixed",
while (@ARGV) {
$msg->attach('Type' => 'application/octet-stream',
'Encoding' => 'base64',
'Path' => shift @ARGV);

SE Linux

Following rules add exceptiong for selinux.

module sa 1.0;
require {
        type sysstat_t;
        type init_t;
        type file_t;
        class lnk_file read;
        class fifo_file { read write ioctl };
        class dir { read search getattr };
        class file { read getattr execute execute_no_trans };
#============= sysstat_t ==============
allow sysstat_t file_t:dir { read search getattr };
allow sysstat_t file_t:file { read getattr execute execute_no_trans };
allow sysstat_t file_t:lnk_file read;
allow sysstat_t init_t:fifo_file { read write ioctl };
sar_reporting.1312489062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:29 (external edit)