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There's an old joke that Emacs would be a great operating system if only it had a decent text editor,
whereas vi would be a great text editor if only it had a decent operating system.

File Cleaning

Remove Blank line from the file

to remove blank lines please use following.



:g/^ *$/d

Remove Tailing space as well space at beginning using VI

To remove tailing space


To remove space at beginning


Replace tab with space

To replace tab with space you need to use

:%s/[CTRL-i]/ /g

Delete Line start with

To delete lines start with some word e.g. Redirect


Convert all character to lower OR upper case

NOTE : This will apply to whole file as we are using (%)
To convert upper case use following


To convert lower case use following


Match Start of line Append End of line

To Match Start of line and append that line use following
(search Append end of line)


Which append “/www” if start of line is “DocumentRoot”.

VIM Scripts

Introduction to vim scripts “:help vim-script-intro”

Running Vim scripts

There is many way to run vim script simple way is to run calling script from `source`

:source /home/yahoo/test.vim

You can also call command from script directly

:call MyBackupFunc(expand('%'), { 'all':1, 'save':'recent'})

You can do mapping of the keyboard using the variables.

:nmap ;s :source /home/yahoo/test.vim<CR>

The key sequence `;s` will execute the specified script file
You can call fucntion using the stored mapping same way.

:nmap \b :call MyBackupFunc(expand('%'), { 'all': 1 })<CR>

To call the function you need to call enter squence `\b`

syntax highlighting

VIM support syntax highlighting. to turn it on.

:syntax on

to turn it off

:syntax off

VIM Variable / Initialization (.vimrc)

toggle syntax highlighting
function! ToggleSyntax()
   if exists("g:syntax_on")
      syntax off
      syntax enable
nmap <silent>  ;s  :call ToggleSyntax()<CR>

`;s` sequence to flip syntax highlighting on or off every time typed when you're in Normal mode.
nmap stands for “normal-mode key mapping”.
<silent> option causes the mapping not to echo any command it's executing.

Creating centered titles
function! CapitalizeCenterAndMoveDown()
   s/\<./\u&/g   "Built-in substitution capitalizes each word
   center        "Built-in center command centers entire line
   +1            "Built-in relative motion (+1 line down)
nmap <silent>  \C  :call CapitalizeCenterAndMoveDown()<CR>

single backslash used for continuation marker

call SetName(
\             first_name,
\             middle_initial,
\             family_name
\           )

Also you can use “|” to write two line on singe line.

echo "Starting..." | call Phase(1) | call Phase(2) | echo "Done"

You can comment using single quote, as double quote used to define a string.
also you can use “|” to escape the comment in some cases.

echo "> " |"Print generic prompt

Defining variable

to define variable you need to use word `let`

let name = "Damian"
let height = 165
let interests = [ 'Cinema', 'Literature', 'World Domination', 101 ]
let phone     = { 'cell':5551017346, 'home':5558038728, 'work':'?' }
  • scalar: a single value, such as a string or a number. For example: “Damian” or 165
  • list: an ordered sequence of values delimited by square brackets, with implicit integer indices starting at zero. For example: ['Cinema', 'Literature', 'World Domination', 101]
  • dictionary: an unordered set of values delimited by braces, with explicit string keys. For example: {'cell':5551017346, 'home':5558038728, 'work':'?'}

Basic Info

Variable scoping
g: varname  	 The variable is global
s: varname 	The variable is local to the current script file
w: varname 	The variable is local to the current editor window
t: varname 	The variable is local to the current editor tab
b: varname 	The variable is local to the current editor buffer
l: varname 	The variable is local to the current function
a: varname 	The variable is a parameter of the current function
v: varname 	The variable is one that Vim predefines
& varname  	 A Vim option (local option if defined, otherwise global)
&l: varname 	A local Vim option
&g: varname 	A global Vim option
@ varname 	A Vim register
$ varname 	An environment variable
vim.1276385733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:29 (external edit)