Xen VM Creation
This script will create a vm from a image.
#!/bin/env perl ## Build vm providing options ## $1 Hostname ## $2 IP Address - This will be checked to make sure that it currently not being used # test ip address is free # test vg for free space # create lv if test is good # dd image file to lv # mount root lv to test mount and edit files # mount var lv to test mount and edit files # create xen configuration # start xen use strict; usage(); check_user(); my $hostname=$ARGV[0]; my $ipaddress=$ARGV[1]; my $memory="1024"; if (defined($ARGV[2])){ print "yay memory is set";} #my $hostname="testium"; #my $ipaddress=""; my $lvprefix = "$hostname-x86_64"; my $tmpmnt = "/home/systems/mnt"; my $tmpdir = "/var/tmp"; my $vgpath = "/dev/vg"; check_ip($ipaddress); create_lv($hostname); dd_lv($hostname); root_fs($hostname); var_fs($hostname); mk_swap(); make_it_so(build_xenconfig($hostname, $memory)); sub build_xenconfig{ my ($hostname, $memory) = @_; my $xenconfdir = "/etc/xen/vmconfigs"; my $xenfile = "$hostname-x86_64-pygrub.cfg"; my @cmd = ("sudo", "mv", "$tmpdir/$xenfile", "$xenconfdir/$xenfile"); my @xenconfig = ( "bootloader = \"/usr/bin/pygrub\"", "memory = $memory", "name = \"$hostname\"", "vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]", "disk = [ 'phy:vg/$hostname-x86_64-root,sda1,w', 'phy:vg/$hostname-x86_64-swap,sda2,w', 'phy:vg/$hostname-x86_64-var,sdb1,w' ]",); if (-e "$xenconfdir/$xenfile"){ print STDERR "File $xenfile exists! Please choose another name or check!\n"; } else{ open(CFGFILE, ">>", "$tmpdir/$xenfile") or die "Couldn't open file for writing: $!\n"; foreach (@xenconfig){ print CFGFILE "$_\n"; } system(@cmd); close CFGFILE; } return "$xenconfdir/$xenfile"; } sub root_fs{ my $suffix = "root"; my @changeme = ( "", "lithium", ); my @editfiles = ( "$tmpmnt/etc/hosts", "$tmpmnt/etc/motd", "$tmpmnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "$tmpmnt/etc/varnish/default.vcl", "$tmpmnt/etc/conf.d/hostname", "$tmpmnt/etc/conf.d/net", "$tmpmnt/etc/init.d/apache2", "$tmpmnt/etc/apache2/httpd.conf", "$tmpmnt/opt/jetty/etc/jetty.xml", "$tmpmnt/opt/jetty/contexts/podalaya.xml", ); mount_lv($suffix, $hostname); prep_fs($suffix, \@changeme, \@editfiles); umount_lv(); } sub var_fs{ my ($hostname) = @_; my $suffix = "var"; my @changeme = ( "turbonium", ); my @editfiles = ( "$tmpmnt/www/dev/new/conf/what/$changeme[0]", "$tmpmnt/www/dev/new/conf/what/$hostname", "$tmpmnt/www/dev/new/conf/what/$hostname/new.conf", ); mount_lv($suffix, $hostname); prep_fs($suffix, \@changeme, \@editfiles); umount_lv(); } sub prep_fs{ # Prep root parition for startup my ($suffix, $changeme, $filelist) = @_; if ($suffix eq "root"){ foreach my $editfile (@$filelist){ my $changeip = "sudo sed -i -e 's/@$changeme[0]/$ipaddress/g' $editfile"; my $changehost = "sudo sed -i -e 's/@$changeme[1]/$hostname/g' $editfile"; my @chattr = ("sudo", "chattr", "-i", $editfile); system (@chattr); system ($changeip); system ($changehost); } } elsif ($suffix eq "var"){ my @mvconfdir = ("sudo", "mv", @$filelist[0], @$filelist[1]); my $changehost = "sudo sed -i -e 's/@$changeme[0]/$hostname/g' @$filelist[2]"; system (@mvconfdir); system ($changehost); } } sub usage { ## Must provide following variables, will implement usage for only if (@ARGV != "2"){ print "Usage: build_vm [hostname] [ip_address] <memory>\n"; exit 1; } } sub check_user { # Check if running as user systems, if not tell them no my $whoami = `id`; if ($whoami !~ m/systems/){ print "You are not systems, exit!\n"; exit 1; } } sub mount_lv { my ($suffix, $hostname) = @_; my @cmd = ("sudo", "mount", "$vgpath/$lvprefix-$suffix", "$tmpmnt"); system(@cmd); if ($? == 0){ return 0; } else { print "Could not mount $suffix to $tmpmnt, exit!\n"; exit 1; } } sub umount_lv { my @cmd = ("sudo", "umount", $tmpmnt); system(@cmd); } sub dd_lv { my ($hostname) = @_; my $imagepath = "/img/xen"; my $imageprefix = "lithium-x86_64"; my @lvimage = ( "root", "var" ); print "Copying image file to lvm - this may take some time... \n"; foreach (@lvimage){ my $cmd = "gunzip -c $imagepath/$imageprefix-$_.img.gz | sudo dd of=$vgpath/$lvprefix-$_ bs=300k"; open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); system($cmd); close STDOUT; } } sub create_lv { # Create lv for specified hostname my ($hostname) = @_; my %lvlist = ( "root" => "32G", "var" => "130G", "swap" => "2G", ); if(check_vg() == "0"){ for my $suffix( keys %lvlist) { my $size = $lvlist{$suffix}; my @cmd = ("sudo", "lvcreate", "-L", "$size", "-n", "$lvprefix-$suffix", "vg"); open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); system(@cmd); close STDOUT; if( $? != "0" ){ print STDERR "lvcreate failed: $!\n"; exit 1; } print "LVM created... \n"; } } } sub mk_swap{ my @cmd = ("sudo", "mkswap", "$vgpath/$lvprefix-swap"); open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); system(@cmd) == 0 or die "Swap failed to create: $!\n"; close STDOUT; } sub check_vg { ## Check volume group for empty space my $vmsize = "154"; my $vginfo = `sudo vgdisplay vg`; if($vginfo =~ /\s+Free\s+PE\s+\S+\s+Size\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+([\w+.]+)+\sGiB/g){ if ( $vmsize > $1 ){ print STDERR "Not enough space in vg, only $1 GB.\n"; exit 1; } else{ return 0; } } } sub check_ip { ## Check to see if ip address is used my ($ipaddress) = @_; my @cmd = ("/bin/ping", "-c1", "$ipaddress"); open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null"); system(@cmd) != 0 or die "$ipaddress is already used, please use another\n"; close STDOUT; } sub make_it_so { ## start vm my ($xmconfig) = @_; my @cmd =("sudo", "xm", "create", "$xmconfig"); print "Starting vm... \n"; system(@cmd) == 0 or die "xm create failed!: $!\n"; }
xen_vm_creation.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/10 02:35 by